Chapter 42. Risk

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Sorry, this chapter is mostly filler, with a few directional developments, I promise horrifying, heart racing, exciting, tear jerking, and happy crying moments are around the corner...


"Well, that's added an unexpected complication," Severus exhaled. "But congratulations." Astrid shook her head at his words, not only was she in disbelief it could happen again after only one time, but she was horrified at the timing, so much had happened, had changed, since her and Lucius' passionate courtyard meeting. The timing was less than ideal, her little family had been split, torn apart. She couldn't even see her first born; what if they took away the second as well?           She groaned and put her head in her hands.

            "You don't seem to be... pleased." Severus concluded from her body language. "An accident I presume? I'm trying to think of a time when he would have had the chance..." Snape trailed off realising he'd voiced too much, become too curious.

            "The night of... well, the astronomy tower..." Astrid wiped at her mouth with the back of her hand as she pulled her knees up to her chin. "Lucius found me in the castle... we weren't careful, but I didn't think it would take as quickly the second time... it's not that I'm not glad, or grateful... I'm just... worried." She sighed. She didn't know why she was telling Snape this, but it felt comforting to talk to somebody, get it off her chest. She felt she had to keep quiet around others about her relationship with Lucius, about Everly's parentage. No one liked his name even being mentioned, especially her father and Lupin.

            "They obviously didn't teach you very well about the birds and the bees in school." Severus breathed after a short silence. Astrid smiled briefly but it dropped from her face quickly.

            "I don't know if I can do this again... and all by myself... again." She shook her head. "What if they take this baby away just like they did with Everly?" She questioned, mainly to herself, she didn't expect Severus to answer. Snape remained silent; it was a high probability that the Dark Lord would. Severus knew she needed comforting, but he also knew it was not his place, or even speciality. No, comforting was not something he was good at. But he was good at scheming, planning, meticulous details were his forte.

"I'm going to go have a think over this new... element of our situation... I trust you will be okay in your own company?"

            Astrid just nodded.


            Severus paced in the study downstairs for what felt like hours, he went over every possible scenario, every complication that could arise from each one... When his brain had finally settled on the best course of action, he opened a bottle of cherry wine from Dumbledores stash, pouring himself a large glass he sat at the desk and drank it. He needed it to give him the strength and confidence to tell Astrid what must be done. He had already guessed her response... shouting... screaming... attempts at violence perhaps, he knew she had the beaters bat up there somewhere. As the sun began to set over the castle a house elf delivered two plates of food to him. He ate his with another, smaller, glass of wine. And once he finished, he sighed deeply, picked up Astrid's plate, and made his way up the stairs.

            He found her curled up in the centre of the bed, she had surrounded herself with various cushions and had begun reading a book about the history of the castle. She barely acknowledged his existence as he perched on the edge of the mattress, she just glanced up at him and then back to her book.

            "The house elves have prepared you a plate, eat, you will need your strength," Severus sighed as he put the plate down on a large plump cushion.

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