Chapter 27. Scandal

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"Are... you okay?" Astrid asked with a gulp as Lucius escorted her into their suite.

            "Fine," Lucius exhaled, pushing Astrid softly down into one of the armchairs facing the fire, her hand lay over her chest, monitoring her heart rate and breathing. "I'm more concerned about you," He whispered, crouching down to her level and pressing a palm to her rounded stomach, with his other hand holding her cheek.

            "I'm... okay," She breathed, nodding her head slightly as she stared into the flames of the roaring fire. Despite the summer month, and the fire, Astrid was chilled to the bone, a cold ghostly feeling lingered on her skin where the Dark Lord had touched her, caressed her, grabbed her.

            "At-least... one good thing has surfaced from that... it's clear you no longer loathe me." the corners of Lucius' mouth almost turned up into a smile, he was trying his best to make light of the situation, to put his beloved at ease. Astrid's eyes, still red from the tears, met Lucius' icy ones.

            "I never... loathed you Lucius," Astrid swallowed, "I loathed what you did... what you stood for... what you...still stand for," Tears threatened to fall from the girls' eyes once again as a shiny screen glazed over them.

            "I stand for us Astrid," Lucius sighed, taking both her hands in his, he leaned in and pressed his forehead against hers. "Everything I have done... has been for you, for us, for your safety," Astrid pulled her head away from his and snaked her hands from his grip.

            "My safety? I am the furthest from safe here Lucius, you-know-who... he held me... controlled me... I feel as if I just had a brush with death, I do not feel safe,"

            Lucius was inclined to agree, whilst his home had never been warm, cosy, welcoming, it had once been a place he could relax and retreat to. But he hadn't felt comfortable in his own house for a long time, a time long before Narcissa left with half the furnishings.

            "I know this is not ideal my sweet, but I had no-where else to take you, I could not hide you, not after Bellatrix... she would turn the Dark Lord against me, against us... it's imperative we stay and win the Dark Lords good graces," It pained him to say, he had done many evil and awful things for his Lord. But in the period of peace during his Lords absence he had grown weary of his old ways, no longer young and eager to please. He grew away from the medieval methods of his master, finding manipulation and persuasion to be much more appealing... he still shared a lot of his master's ideologies though, so for now he would play along.

            "I don't want to be in his good graces," Astrid hissed, a little too loud for his liking.

            "Shh!" He hushed, pressing his hand over her mouth. "These walls have eyes and ears, if you wish to see our child born, you will continue play along just as you did today." He whispered. "Luckily... the Dark Lord has taken a curious liking to you," Astrid shook her head free from Lucius' hand.

            "A liking?" Her brows knitted together in disgust, "He was cruel, he threatened me, he... made me hurt you,"

            "But he did not hurt you... that is as good a sign as any,"


            Meanwhile downstairs, another conversation was taking place...

            "Severus, I have a task for you..." The Dark Lord stated as he stared out of the large window across the grounds of Malfoy Manor.

            "Anything, my Lord," Severus said obediently, his hands clasped together as he patiently waited for his master's order. Nagini slithered passed the potions master, who was still dishevelled from his punishment, and settled at the Dark Lord's feet.

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