Chapter 14. Innocent

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When Astrid recuperated her strength, she kicked off her heels, and hanging the ankle straps from two fingers began to make her way back to the Great Hall on shaky legs. She cursed as she felt Lucius's seed slide down her inner thighs. Ugh. Astrid decided to delay her return to the ball, her shift at the punch table would have to wait, she was likely already late for it anyway.

Astrid ducked into the nearest girl's bathroom, empty, thankfully. Umbridge was only allowing the bathrooms outside the Great Hall to be in use for the evening, apparently it would help stop students hooking up in the toilets. She should really be worrying about the corridors, Astrid thought to herself darkly as she discarded her heels on the tile floor. Glancing in the mirror she got momentarily distracted by her dishevelled appearance, her hair had come loose from its bun, stray hairs sticking up at the back, her mascara had transferred to her cheeks, leaving black splotches across her cheeks. Astrid sighed, grabbing a few pieces of paper towel, dampened them under the dripping faucet and dabbed at her cheeks. In the mirror Astrid caught sight of someone entering the bathroom behind her and pausing at the sight of the professor.

"These bathrooms are off limits tonight; you'll have to use the ones-" Astrid had begun telling the individual in her authoritative voice.

"My father was off limits, but that didn't stop you did it, professor?" The irate voice of Draco Malfoy echoed off the tiled walls. Astrid stared passed her own reflection to the that of the boy behind her, his face was warped with anger. He was no longer formally robed, his jacket had been discarded somewhere, leaving him wearing his white shirt, the hem scruffily untucked, his bowtie hung around his neck unknotted. Astrid dropped her damp paper towel to the sink and turned around slowly, she observed how the boy grasped his wand tightly at his side, his hand shaking.

"Draco," Astrid breathed, "I don't know what you think-"

"Shut up!" Draco shouted, his voice echoed through the room, bouncing wall to wall. The boy raised his wand with gritted teeth.

"Draco, lower your wand," Astrid said calmly as she held out her palms.

"Don't tell me what to do! I saw you, with him, in the courtyard... when Trelawney... you thought no one would see, but I saw!" Draco hissed. Astrid opened her mouth to speak but Draco shouted over her again. "Don't! Let. Me. Talk!" Draco cried.

"I'm listening, I'm listening Draco," Astrid whispered as she instinctively moved her right hand to her side, feeling for her wand. But it was not there, she had decided not to bother concealing it in her dress, funnily, she thought she wouldn't need it this night.

"I saw him, how he was with you, I know what you two are!" Draco yelled. "Snape promised me you would stay away from my family,"

"I did Draco, I told your fa-"

"No! No! Tonight..." Draco started darkly, Astrid gulped hard, her stomach flipping wildly as she flashed back to her steamy encounter with Lucius in the corridor, she felt sick as Draco narrowed his eyes on the girl, staring daggers into her soul.

"Even with my mother on his arm he couldn't keep his eyes off of you, you slut!" Draco seethed, he rapidly approached the girl, wand outstretched, and pressed the hawthorn wood into her chest. "And when you ran off... he left us, me and my poor mother, to follow after you!" Tears streamed down the boys' cheeks, leaving sparkly streams down his pale skin. He sniffled as he screwed up his face harshly.

"That was not my intention Draco, I didn't ask him to follow me,"

"Shut up! Do you think I'm stupid?" Draco asked, his expression resembled that of a toddler, throwing a tantrum, unable to control their emotions and impulses. Draco slowly dragged his wand across the professor's supple skin up to her neck, eventually pressing it under her chin, his wand leaving a red trail along her sun-kissed complexion. "You've messed with the wrong family," Draco threatened as he backed up, his wand left a painful indent under the girl's chin, it almost felt like the wand was still pressed there, making it painful to swallow.

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