Chapter 43. Phantom

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Astrid knocked upon the large arched door of McGonagall's classroom. When there was no answer Astrid knocked again. Eventually the door slithered open a crack to reveal the transfiguration figures face in the one-inch gap.

            "Minerva I-" before Astrid could even speak the door was closed on her. Astrid inhaled shakily as she knocked again, she knocked and knocked until she was banging on the door with her fist.

            "Professor Moody!" Minerva scolded as she swung the door open a little wider this time. "I'm sorry, but you are simply not welcome here." Professor McGonagall attempted to close the door once again, but Astrid kicked her foot at it, propping it open.

            "Minerva please, I just want to talk with you," Astrid pleaded. Minerva looked down with a sigh, and then hesitantly opened the door further to let her younger colleague pass.

            "What is it you wish to discuss, Professor?" Minerva asked as she walked down the long room to her desk. She cast a silencing charm on the room, to stop any stray ears listening in. Her tone with Astrid was off, as if she was slightly mocking the young woman. The way Minerva said professor reminded of Astrid of how her esteemed elder used to address Umbridge. Was Astrid the new Umbridge? Universally despised by staff and students, bar a minor few.

            "Ginny told me that it's yourself and Kingsley leading the Order now," Astrid breathed as Minerva reached her desk.

            "Ginny Weasley informed you of this?" Minerva gasped, clearly displeased. "That girl clearly needs to be reminded what the word classified means!"

            "She thought I should know as-"

            "As nothing! You no longer stand with us professor!" Minerva's harsh words cut Astrid deep, did she really believe she'd switched sides. "Mr Longbottom and Miss Weasley tried spinning your tale to me Astrid, but I just can not believe it! How can you stand beside that man, that murderer! You share his bed, carry his child... he killed Albus in cold blood!" Minerva screeched.

            "No, Minerva, please, I am not here by choice, not with him by choice, please let me explain," Astrid pleaded with tearful eyes. Astrid knew she couldn't give Minerva the whole truth, but could certainly spin a version of it.

            "The evidence points to the contrary dear!"

            "I was taken! You-know-who, he gave me to Snape... like property!" Astrid yelled now as tears slipped from her eyes, "He has my daughter, held his wand to her, threatened her right in front of my eyes! What am I to do but play along Minerva?"

            "I'd die Astrid! I'd rather perish than become a puppet of You-Know-Who!" Minerva huffed.

            "That's easy for you to say Minerva, but I have a young daughter, a fiancé, I am just trying to survive, for them," Astrid sniffled, her chest began to rise and fall dramatically as her heart pained inside her ribs.

            "Yes, your death eater husband-to-be, you must be so proud," Minerva breathed, shaking her head disapprovingly.

            "Minerva, you don't understand I-"

            "I understand perfectly well Professor Moody, you have been dealt a poor deal, however what you've made of it... I cannot condone, and neither will the Order. You have a crossed a line Astrid, I'm sorry." Minerva made it clear she was finished with the conversation, finished with Astrid, on a personal front at least. Astrid just nodded, wiping the tears from her eyes and retreated down the long line of desks and out of the classroom door, which slammed dramatically behind her. Astrid leant her back against a nearby wall and breathed long and deep breaths as she placed her hand over her racing heart, her head dizzying with nausea.

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