Chapter 40. Sinking Ship

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Astrid was pulled from the dining hall kicking and screaming, she begged to be killed, sobbing, as Wormtail and Yaxley dragged her to a guest room where she would wait it out until Hogwarts was taken by death eaters placed at the ministry.

            "Here, Lucius, take this..." Voldemort sneered as he held the infant out to him, Lucius took her quickly, folding his arms around her he hugged her tight. "And... go make yourself useful." The Dark Lord waved him off, Lucius headed for the door without hesitation, but before he disappeared into the guts of his house, he turned, narrowing his eyes on Severus... he shot the man a dark look over the top of Everly's blonde hair.

            "How long, my Lord, until we have control of the ministry? Pius is on the job I suspect?" Severus questioned as he crossed his legs.

            "Days I suspect... then you will take the castle, you will need some new professors I imagine... take the twins with you... they can serve you as deputy heads," Voldemort smiled at his on-the-spot thinking.

            "Yes, very good, my Lord."


            Astrid had tried every possible means of escape from the room, but without a wand, her options were limited. After banging on the door until her skin was red raw she slumped down with her back to it, her knees to her chest, sobbing. She sat like that for hours.  Over the sound of sniffles and cries she heard something from the other side...

            "Astrid?" A small voice choked out. "Astrid darling?"

            "Lucius!" She breathed, turning around she could hear him through the cracks. "Lucius is that you?"

            "It's me, my love, I'm here," He whispered from the other side, his voice hoarse and full of pain. "I have Everly, she's here too,"

            "Everly," Astrid whimpered as she pressed her fingertips against the crack and closing her eyes, she rested her forehead on the cold surface of the door. "Oh Everly,"

            "We have missed you, so, so much my darling," Lucius choked out.

            "And I you, oh Everly," Astrid cried, "I thought I lost her, lost her for good,"

            "I'm going to find a way to get you, to... rescue you," Lucius' voice cracked with raw emotion, "I'll kill Severus if I have to, I will get you back, I promise you."

            "No!" Astrid croaked, "Don't do anything stupid, don't! I can't lose you." Astrid heard Lucius sigh on the other side.

            "I heard about your father," He exhaled, "I am so sorry my dear, whole heartedly sorry."

            "Do you know.... Who did it?" Astrid asked.

            "No," Lucius lied to her. "Somebodies coming, I have to go, I promise... I will find you; I love you until my dying breath,"

            Astrid didn't even have time to tell him that she loved him back, for she heard his footsteps fade away. She wished he wouldn't say things like that 'until my dying breath', she didn't need any more losses planted in her head.


            Three days passed, Tilly visited, two or three times, with food and water. She was happy yet sad to see Astrid in the manor again, cheered by the sight of the girl alive, saddened by her capture.

            When the third day came to a close, and the sunset over the trees at Malfoy Manor, the door to the guest room was unlocked and in stepped the imposing figure of Severus Snape. Astrid backed up against the furthest wall, shaking her head.

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