Chapter 45. Corruption

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Warning: This chapter is NSFW.


At some point in the night Snape had awoken with a jolt, and not in his usual arm chair, instead he was in a bed that felt like sleeping on a cloud compared to his usual place of rest. He was immediately aware of the weight on his chest, keeping him anchored to the mattress. She was still there, her head resting just below his shoulder on his chest. Her delicate hand had migrated from his chest around his ribs and held him tightly. It made him feel slightly uncomfortable, if not guilty... but also warm and tender.

He was also acutely aware of a weight on his leg, lifting his head slightly and glancing down his suspicions were confirmed and his trousers tightened when he saw a bare leg draped over his clothed one. Her skirt had ridden up in her sleep, revealing her slender calf and the soft skin of her thigh. Swallowing hard he decided to remove himself from the situation, he enjoyed the sight far, far too much, and it ate at him.

As he pulled his leg out from under Astrid's, unhooking them, the girl sighed into his chest and buried her face deeper, only making the matters of his filling heart worse. Gently he clasped his fingers around her small wrist and removed it from his rib cage, propping her arm gently at her side. Naturally she rolled over now, peeling herself away finding a more comfortable position on the other side of the bed. Severus exhaled deeply as he got up slowly, not wishing to disturb her more than he had, and made his way through the drapes down the cold stairs.

Whipping his wand out of his sleeve he flicked it towards the fireplace, roaring flames immediately ignited, flashing the room in an instantaneous warm glow like turning on a light switch.

Severus sat at his desk and leant into his chair, he had his elbow on the chair arm, propping up his chin, his fingers stroked at his jaw as he thought deeply whilst staring into the fire. He attempted to think of the Potter boy, and what he could do to help him on his quest to eliminate the horcruxes, but he was distracted, by images of her flashing into his mind. The way she her full lips pouted slightly as she sighed into his chest, the sight of her soft thighs... her image haunted his mind. His brain flooded back to that moment in her chambers when he kissed her... it was stupid, he had not planned on it, but he needed her to just stop talking and listen, and so he kissed her impulsively. Severus hadn't had many kisses in his lifetime, in fact he could count them on one hand and still have fingers to spare, but the feel of her lips on his made him feel a different way.

His brilliant mind had already slaved over the why's, why her? It all came back to Lily, she reminded her so much of his lost love. Astrid's bright energy, her unlimited kindness. The way she always saw the best in people, even a death eater like himself, like her Lucius. Like Lily she was morally incorruptible, standing by her principals. Astrid also had a temper when pushed, just like her, her tongue could be sharp when she wanted, and she was more than capable of holding her own in an argument... or a fight.

Severus tried to push Astrid from his mind, but it only made his thoughts of her stronger... her infectious smile, something he rarely saw now a days, her dazzling blue eyes... the way her hair swished and bounced down her back when she walked, the sway of her hips...

Severus rubbed his face with a sigh, his other hand that rested calmly on his leg travelled to his crotch, the bulge there only made him sigh deeper as he was awash with guilt and shame.

But as guilty as he felt, he couldn't move his hand away, he told himself it's a natural bodily reaction, out of his control, she was an incredibly attractive young woman, and he just a man at the end of the day... he could not argue with biology.

With a frustrated groan Severus eventually decided to relieve his urge, perhaps it would push her from his mind for the night, finally allowing him to get on with jobs of importance. With two hands he unbuttoned his jacket quickly, feeling suddenly very restricted by the rigid black fabric, revealing a white collared shirt beneath. Next his hands fell to his trousers, which he unclasped and unzipped...

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