Chapter 44. Rest

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The pitter-pattern of heavy rain on glass, the crackle and pop of a warming fire. Astrid's eyes began to blink open slowly, the calming sounds stirring her gently. She could feel gentle fingers brushing her hair back off her face and over her head, petting down the soft waves on her back. A delicate hand tucked shiny blonde strands behind her ear and ran down the back of her neck, stroking her soft locks.  Her neck and scalp began to tingle lightly as she enjoyed the comforting feeling, it had been so long since she had such close contact with another.

            Her chest rose and fell steadily as she took in her surroundings. The last thing she remembered was crying herself to sleep in the hospital wing, but she now found herself in her chambers, laid on the bed she had adopted as her own. She was aware of another person laid behind her, not quite spooning, but they were close. For a moment she thought it was Lucius, her heart skipping a beat at the very thought, but her senses told her she was wrong. No, their hand felt different, their touch was feather light, almost hesitant, not at all like Lucius' gentle yet confident caresses. The familiar smell of firewhiskey was not there, instead she smelt parchment, ink and faintly... cherry.

            Astrid was almost certain she knew who it was, and as she was about to turn over and confirm her suspicion the sound of thundering boots up metal stairs echoed through the chambers. Astrid's eyes immediately fluttered shut as she pretended to be asleep.

            "I've been waiting outside for fucking ages Snape." The irate voice of Amycus hissed. 

            "I don't recall giving you permission to enter my office Carrow... let alone my private chambers," The deep slow drawl of Severus Snape said from behind her, there was an annoyed hiss to his words that Astrid was all too familiar with.

            "Sorry headmaster, didn't realise you were... wrapped up...with something else." The male Carrow mocked, sucking his teeth.

"Get out." Snape sneered. "I will reschedule our meeting for a later date."

"Sure thing... headmaster," Amycus huffed, his tone made a turn for the creepy as he glanced over Astrid's body... "You have fun now."

Astrid could only imagine the disgusting leery look on Amycus' face, his words alone were enough to make her skin crawl. The sound of his stomping boots descending the stairs and the dramatic slamming of Snapes office door signalled the Carrows leave. The sound of the raindrops and crackling fire took over once again as silence filled the air... until someone broke it:

"My apologies if he woke you..." Severus deep drawl said slowly. He was acutely aware that Astrid was awake, from the shiver that ran down her spine in response to Amycus' words.

"It's fine, I woke before..." Astrid admitted, her breathy voice was barely above a whisper. Slowly she turned over, and the comforting hand retracted from her hair. She faced Snape now, on her side she tucked her face in her arm as she looked upon him. He wasn't quite laid on his back or his side, he was rather in between, with his right arm tucked under the pillow that his head rested on gently. His dark hair fell away from his face, allowing Astrid to clearly see his strong features for the first time, he had always hidden behind his curtain of black hair. He was staring at the ceiling, taking in the details of the stars painted there. He rested the arm he had so gently petted her with on his stomach, which was dressed in his usual black buttoned jacket.

"How are you feeling?" Severus asked, his eyes glancing over Astrid's face momentarily before flickering back up to the ceiling. It pained him how beautiful she looked... fresh faced, freckles popping against her skin, her blue eyes still a little drowsy and clouded.

"I presume you've been told?" She exhaled as she blinked long a slow. He nodded his head lightly. "I just feel... numb...." Astrid whispered.

"That is understandable," Snape nodded.

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