Chapter 36. A Thousand Times Yes

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Warning: this chapter is spicy and NSFW, enjoy!


Summer had fallen on Malfoy Manor, though you could hardly tell, it was as if the manor was cursed to be constantly covered with thick grey cloud. Lucius resided in the drawing room as usual, one of the few places in the manor he could retreat to without the Dark Lord or Bellatrix disturbing his peace. It was a place he could unwind, which more often than not meant drinking a copious amount of alcohol and passing out blind drunk in his arm chair.

            "Why are you here, Severus? Don't you know when you're not wanted?" Lucius sneered from his fireside seat. As usual a glass was in his hand, however he had run out of firewhiskey, so had to make do with a bottle of red. He shot daggers at the ex-potions master that stood in the doorway, the two hadn't talked since Lucius had cruelly tortured the man in the room just down the stairs.

            "I come with news... about your son," Severus spoke darkly. Lucius turned towards him, his eyes full of welcome surprise, his brows furrowed.

            "He's done it? Has he completed his task?" Lucius whispered with excitement, however his mood deflated when he saw the shake of Severus' head.

            "No," Snape said simply, his voice devoid of emotion. "He was attacked,"

            Lucius jumped to his feet, dropping the wine to the floor.

            "Is he okay?" Lucius breathed shakily. "Is he alive?"

            "Yes, I managed to counteract the spell, heal his wounds, he's in the hospital wing, but fine," Severus drawled, he stepped into the drawing room and closed the door securely behind him. "It was the Potter boy,"

            "That filth laid hands on my son, on my boy?" Lucius sneered, rubbing his hands over his forehead and smoothing down his unwashed hair. He really was a sight for sorry eyes. He was a ghost of his former self, his clothes were dishevelled, he looked as if he hadn't slept in weeks, he hadn't shaved, stubble poking through his pale skin. For a man who was so proud of his image and breed, he had sure fallen far. It saddened Severus to see his friend in this state.

            "It's been dealt with... Draco is fine, and still more than prepared to go through with the plan this coming Monday..." Severus reassured him.

            "Do you have any other news... from Hogwarts?" Lucius asked, casting his eye to the ground.

            "Draco told me he met Everly,"

            "He did? He never told me that, what did he say?" Lucius asked, his voice but a whisper.

            "He said he was surprised how remarkably like him she looks, when he was a baby," Severus told him after pondering upon his conversation with the boy.

            "She does look so much like him when he was an infant, but she has her mother's nose, and her hair," Lucius smiled as he remembered holding her as if it was yesterday. He remembered her weight in his arms exactly, the feel of her soft skin and hair.

            "Everly has your eyes," Severus commented.

            "I know," Lucius smiled, "Even by the light of the moon I could see them... I wish I could hold her now Severus, I miss them both dearly. Everly is six months, and I had not even six minutes with her,"

            "Astrid fairs well, she is teaching again," Snape told Lucius, he knew he shouldn't have mentioned her name, for Lucius' blood instantly boiled. The blonde-haired man turned away from Severus and looked towards the fire, his fists clenched.

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