Chapter 31. Curiosity

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The wooden wand in her hand felt so alien to her, it definitely wasn't like her wand.

            "Give it time dear, it will eventually feel more natural," Professor Dumbledore spoke years of wisdom from his desk. Astrid ran her fingers along the wand, mango wood, it was a beautiful colour, and it had a swish and flexibility to it that her long lost wand did not. The handle was a darker wood, antique cherry, it had what looked like vines carved over it. Overall, a stunning wand, it just didn't feel like her wand.

            "What was the core again headmaster?" Astrid asked as she twizzled the wand between her fingers.

            "Unicorn tail hair," Dumbledore told her behind his half moon spectacles. Everly was laid in the elder wizards' arms, not quite asleep but just about getting there.

            "Same as my old wand," Astrid muttered to herself, "Thank you professor, I promise to take care of this one," She smiled, pocketing the wand in her teal blue dress. Everly began to make a fuss, stretching out her arms and gurgling unhappily. Dumbledore motioned to give the infant back, he knew a lot of things, but how to settle an infant was probably one of the few pieces of knowledge he didn't possess.

            Astrid took her baby into her arms, hushing and bouncing her softly.

            "I don't remember the last time I held an infant; it must have been.... Yes, Harry Potter," Dumbledore mused. Astrid noticed the professor's hand just then, the skin was black, withered, it was how you expected a mummified body to look.

            "Headmaster, your hand," Astrid gasped as she rubbed Everly's back lovingly.

            "Ah yes, a thrilling tale, but not one I will tell," Dumbledore sighed. A knock caught the headmasters attention.

            "I hope I'm not interrupting anything headmaster," The monotonous drawl of Severus Snape called as he stepped through the door, his black robes flowing behind him gracefully. "Ah, Miss Moody," Severus greeted her with a curt nod.

            "I was just presenting Miss Moody with her new wand," Dumbledore informed his most trusted confidant.

            "Ah yes, how do you feel to be reunited with magic?" Severus asked with a cocked brow.

            "Strange," Astrid admitted, swapping Everly to the other shoulder, "I was almost getting used to not using it." she said with a humourless chuckle.

            "Sorry Severus, what was it you need me for?" Dumbledore asked.

            "I simply came to check on... things, headmaster." Snape drawled.

            "Everything is fine Severus, oh but I do have something for you actually, one moment," Dumbledore said excitedly, raising from his seat the old man scurried off up the stairs.

            "Everly seems to grow a little bit more every time I see her," Snape commented, trying to make conversation in the awkward silence. Astrid stifled a small laugh and nodded to his words.

            "Yes, well done Severus, that's what babies do, they grow," She smirked, earning a scoff and an eye roll from the dark clad man.

            "When will you be returning to your class?" Severus asked, eyeing her curiously.

            "I don't want to set an exact date, but I'm hoping towards the end of the winter term."

            "Good... your students seem to have missed you... their grades certainly seem to have suffered in your absence," Snape said in his usual tired voice. "How are you finding it... motherhood, that is?" Astrid hesitated whilst she thought, she eyed Everly briefly before returning her attention to Snape.

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