Chapter 17. Distractions

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Astrid's heart thumped as she read the letter twice over, it felt so good to hear from him, his absence was notable in her heart during her recovery period at Hogwarts, everyday she had hoped to see him walk into the hospital wing, but alas he never did. She remembered his words that night in the corridor, that night would be the last time she see's him for quite some time. Astrid wanted desperately to know why, what was keeping them apart, or who?

Astrid grabbed a quill, ink, envelope and a sheet of parchment from her trunk, and quickly scrawled a reply. Upon completion she wafted the parchment for a second, allowing the black ink to dry before folding the letter and slipping it into the envelope. She scribbled down Lucius's name on the front and lightly blew on the ink. Setting the envelope down to fully dry Astrid rooted through her trunk.

Minerva hadn't packed much and her choices were limited. She pulled out a periwinkle blue Beauxbaton's jumper, the school emblem was embroidered on the front in gold, and the year of her graduation from the magic academy was embroidered on the back in a pearly white. She pulled on some light blue fitness leggings, and some white trainers. At-least Minerva's choices whilst limited where practical and comfy. Astrid tucked the letter up her sleeve and made her way downstairs anxiously.

"Dad's going to be fine." One of the twins said, Astrid was never quite sure which was which.

"He's a fighter Ginny, don't worry." The other twin added as he comforted his little sister, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and pulling her close.

"Alright, get off! I'm just worried, didn't mean I wanted a cuddle," Ginny huffed, pushing either Fred or George off of her.

"When will dad be home?" Ron asked as he tucked into his toast, tearing the bread apart with his teeth aggressively.

"That remains to be seen... the bites seem to have magical qualities that have complicated his recovery." Severus drawled from behind his newspaper, not even tearing his eyes away from the page to speak to the Weasley. "But fear not young Mr Weasley, your father will be back rambling around the Ministry before long." Snape added.

"How compassionate of you Snivellous," Sirius muttered into his tea cup. "Ah, Astrid, good morning," Sirius set his cup down as he greeted the young woman. "Breakfast?" He asked, for someone who spent so long in Azkaban he really was a gracious host Astrid thought to herself. The Weasley children stared in silence at the young professor, her absence at school had been brushed over as an illness, Umbridge did not want to install panic into the castle, she even sealed off one of the two hospital wing wards to keep students from spying the professor in her state. The children were rather surprised to see Professor Moody at Grimmauld Place.

"Yes, just toast and coffee please," The girl smiled as she slid into the seat next to Severus.

"How do you like your coffee?" The curly haired man asked.

"White, one sugar please," Astrid said politely.

"You heard the lady, Kreacher," Sirius called down the lengthy table to a miserable looking house elf skulking around at the far end of the room. The house elf didn't acknowledge his masters' words, instead he muttered under his breath, narrowed his eyes on the group and retreated into the kitchen.

"How is your father? Do any of you need anything? I'm here if you do," Astrid consoled the children.

"No, I think we're all good thank you professor," Ginny smiled sadly.

"Dad was lucky, Harry is the only reason he's alive," One of the twins chirped up as he spooned some cereal into his mouth.

"Yes I heard, a Christmas miracle if I ever seen one," Astrid breathed.

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