Chapter 32. The Burrow

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Two days had passed since Slughorns party, Astrid hadn't breathed a word to anyone about what she saw or heard. The term had come to an end and students began to trickle out of the castle with their case towards the station to catch the Hogwarts Express back to London. Astrid was going to be joining the students on the train for the first time, she had never ridden a train at all before, Beauxbatons had a slightly more glamorous mode of transport to their school...

She levitated her trunk down her stairs and gathered her things by her chamber door, Everly was buckled into her travel seat, Astrid had checked they were secure three or four times before she no longer fretted, she didn't have full trust in the muggle contraption. Finally, a knock at the door, she had been waiting on Mr Filch to come and collect her trunk to take to the train, a small benefit of technically being a staff member.

Astrid opened the door but it was not Filch awaiting her answer, it was Severus Snape. Astrid went to close the door as quickly as she opened it, but the man barged in, pushing the door open abruptly.

"Excuse you, I don't remember inviting you in," Astrid shot at the man as she crossed her arms standoffishly. Severus didn't care, with the wave of his hand the door slammed closed.

"What are you-" Astrid was cut off being pushed against the wooden door roughly.

"Where are you going for this Christmas break?" Severus asked hastily.

"I'm not tel-"

"Where?!" Severus hissed desperately.

"The Burrow, the Weasleys invited me, not that it's any of your business," She answered snidely.

"You can't, you won't," Severus told her, backing away and bringing his hand to his mouth in thought, he paced for a second. "It's not safe, you will not go there,"

"Why isn't it safe? What have you done?" Astrid asked, her blood boiling she clenched her fists. Severus lunged for her, taking her roughly by the shoulders, he wrapped his fingers over her warm skin, digging them into her supple flesh.

"I haven't done anything, but you must heed my warning... stay at Hogwarts this Christmas Astrid,"


The night before....

"Ah Severus... finally, you made it, I was afraid we would start without you," The Dark Lord slithered. Severus had entered the dining room at Malfoy Manor and faced down a long table of familiar faces, at the end in his throne was the Dark Lord, leaning on one arm of his chair casually.

"Apologies, My Lord," Severus bowed his head, "I could not leave Hogwarts and earlier without arousing suspicion," Severus made his way down the table, eyes watching him the entire way. There he took his seat at the Dark Lords right hand side. Severus' eyes looked up to regard the man opposite him. Lucius looked worse than the last time he had seen him, he was paler even than normal, large bags under his tried eyes.

"First port of call, an update on our dear Draco if you please Severus," The Dark Lord gestured to the man.

"Draco has made multiple attempts on Dumbledores life, so far none have been successful, I've offered him my advice, my help on multiple occasions... but he refuses to accept it." Severus told the Dark Lord.

"Your boy is almost as foolish as you it seems Lucius," The Dark Lord snorted. Lucius stayed silent and bowed his head to avoid his master's distasteful gaze, his blonde hair falling over his face. "But it's you Severus, that is meant to be mentoring the boy, teaching him, yet it seems he doesn't trust his teacher's advice?" The Dark Lord tutted.

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