Chapter 8. Enemies to Lovers

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*Warning, this chapter is NSFW 18+, it get's a little spicy*

Astrid woke that night at around three in the morning, still sat up against the cold tile of her bathroom, her head resting on her knees. She groaned as she pushed herself to her feet sloppily and trudged to her bed. Pulling her wand out of her pocket she found a forgotten present in their too, a silky soft handkerchief dropped to the floor.

Discarding her wand on her side table, Astrid leaned down stiffly to pick up the token. She felt it between her fingers, and analysed the monogram intricately embroidered on the fabric, 'LAM' the initials read, Astrid wondered what the 'A' of his middle name stood for. Groggily she folded the handkerchief neatly, and without thinking in her sleepy state, stashed it under her pillow. Without even bothering to undress due to her exhausted state she hauled herself into bed and pulled the covers over herself lazily, within minutes she was asleep again.


Astrid found herself unusually late for class the next morning, she was straight up and out of bed when she realised the time, changing clothes, brushing her teeth and using a handy spell to free hair face of smudged makeup, leaving her skin completely bare. She was out the door in record time and rushing down the halls, dodging students as she went. She thanked her choice of smart cigarette trousers, a blouse and a chic cape jacket, because she'd never make it in time worrying about a billowing skirt. Astrid checked her watch, thankfully by time she made it to her classroom door she was only four minutes late.

"Good morning class, so sorry I'm a little bit late, please open your text books to- oh!" Astrid was taken by surprise to see a little pink lady stood at her blackboard, chalking out the date. "Professor Umbridge," Astrid smiled sweetly, no wonder her class of first year students looked petrified as she walked in.

"Professor Moody," Umbridge smiled sweetly, she took in the young professor's appearance, scrutinising her, whilst she had nothing to nit pick about her stylish outfit of choice, she did mentally note the young ladies tangled waves and naked face, her freckles now standing out on her nose and cheeks.

"Don't mind me dear, I simply noticed your class was without a professor, so I stepped in," She squeaked.

"Thank you, professor," Astrid nodded at the woman curtly, "Class please open your textbooks to page seventy-two and read the passage about the gargoyle strike of 1911, and then write me a short paragraph about how this positively and negatively affected the public perception of gargoyles," Umbridge watched the young professor with intrigue as she addressed the class.

"Perhaps in the future Professor Moody, you'll reconsider taking night time strolls on a school night if it's going to affect your work," Umbridge sighed with a sickly-sweet smile. Her words had Astrid taken a back, and Dolores obviously recognised the shock on the woman's face as she carried on: "Strangely, I get what he see's in you Astrid," Dolores spoke, reaching out and smoothing a tangled blonde lock.

"You're young, beautiful, intelligent, fabulous with your students, a prize for any man," Dolores spoke sweetly as she carried on primping Astrid's unruly waves. "I understand now why he fought so hard for you to stay here... Wouldn't it be a shame if his wife found out though, or... the ministry? That kind of... scandal... A married school governor and a young professor... it could be career ending," Dolores said sadly. Astrid was frozen in her spot, she glanced over her class briefly checking they were all on task and not watching the strange interaction between their professors.

"Professor Umbridge, Dolores, please," Astrid was practically begging, she had no inkling of what else to do besides that.

"I suspect, Professor Moody, if you can from this moment, be on time to your lessons and keep your eyes and ears open for any... suspicious student behaviour, your little secret will be safe with me," Whilst the smile on Umbridge's lips was sweet as sugar, the look in her eyes was menacingly dark. Astrid swallowed hard.

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