Chapter 2. Merit

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"I know that name..." Astrid pondered, "Isn't he an order member?" Astrid furrowed her brows. Why would her father have her spying on a member of The Order of The Phoenix?

"Barely," Alastor Moddy grunted, "He was a death eater back in the day, Dumbledore trusts him, seems to think he's our spy in the you know who circle, but he's a dirty double crosser if I ever saw one,"

"So, you want me to what, spy on him?" Astrid asked. "You've gone from 'I need to keep you safe' to 'spy on a death eater for me' real quick aye?" Moody shot the girl an exasperated look as she took a small dig at her old man.

"I thought you wanted to make yourself useful, do more for the order? If you're not up for the ta-"

"No dad, I'll do it, I want to help, I want to serve, but I just want to know... how dangerous is he?" Astrid gulped.

"With Dumbledore around he'll be on his best behavior, it's his death eater friends you need to be wary of... I don't want you to leave the school grounds, it's not safe for you," Astrid nodded to her father's words, a feeling of worry washed over her now the excitement was wearing off and reality was settling in, the reality that she was actually going to be out in the field, rubbing shoulders with a 'former' death eater and the children of you know whos supporters. "-just papers, notes anything like that really, don't be-" Astrids concentration faded in and out as her father spoke at her, her mind buzzing with sudden anxiety. "Are you listening Astrid?"

"What? Yes, no what was that last part?" Astrid breathed.

"I said don't be putting yourself in danger, just search his office a bit for papers, notes anything that looks a bit dodgey, don't be playing detective and following him about the castle, I may despise him but he's a smart man and very good wizard," Alastor spoke.

"Right, papers and notes, no risks," Astrid confirmed.

"Oh, and he's a skilled Legilimens, you've been keeping up with your Occlumency as I asked?" Alastors voice dropped low.

"Of course I have," Astrid nodded.

"Good, you'll need it, everything I've taught you," Alastor said, standing slowly. "Your whole life Astrid, has led to this, I know you think I keep you caged that I shelter you, so now is the time to prove you can do this, prove to me that I raised a strong, smart witch,"


Days passed by, Astrid had packed up her life for what felt like the hundredth time, her entire twenty-two years stuffed into one suitcase. She gathered herself in the kitchen, primping her blonde silky waves in the mirror, you can take the girl out of Beauxbatons, but not the Beauxbatons out of the girl as they used to say. Moody rolled his eyes as he entered the small kitchen of the thatched cottage.

"Just who are you gussying up for?" he smirked, prodding Astrid playfully in the ribs, Astrid squirmed and swatted the man away.

"Don't make fun," The young woman scolded. "You know I like to give a good first impression,"

"Well hurry it up, we have a stop to make on the way," Moody announced fetching the floo powder.

"Where are we off to?" Astrid asked as she smoothed out her dress, she looked to her father for an answer expectantly as she clutched her hard leather suitcase.

"First stop, Number 12, Grimmauld Place,"

Astrid arrived at Grimmauld Place with a sneeze and a splutter as soot got up her nose. Mad Eye had gone first, meeting her in the kitchen area of what looked to be a decently sizes house. A dramatically long dining table took centre stage in the room, shelves of plates and trinkets adorned the walls and Astrid was greeted by a group of witches and wizards with warm welcoming smiles.

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