Chapter 33. Run

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On the count of three, everybody ran in separate directions towards their port keys hidden throughout the land surrounding the Burrow, with Remus and Tonks escorting Harry to his. Each of them had to brave the fire circling the house, jumping over it fearlessly. The group had dispersed so rapidly the death eaters didn't know which direction to go, Astrid could hear the whooshing of their smokey plumes over head as she legged it through the high wall of wheat. Everly clutched tightly to her chest, the child's screechy cries silenced by her swaddle, Astrid felt awful but it was necessary to not be tracked through the growth.

Her bare feet hurt from the jagged ground, rocks and twigs cutting up the skin underneath. She could feel someone following her, but she couldn't hear them... Astrid hardly wanted to stop and turn to take a look. Her heart beat faster and faster as she pushed her way through the field and into the swamp just beyond, her feet now splashing through the swamp land. She stopped to gather her bearings, searching for a large willow tree along the skyline, her port key was under it, in the form of an old boot. She just had to find the tree first.

A splash behind her alerted her to another's presence. With laboured breathing she set off in a spring once again, completely guessing her direction, she was stopped in her tracks however when a pillar of smoke landed in front of her behind the reeds. Astrid felt for her wand, it wasn't there, then she remembered she left in her trunk when she realised her dress didn't have pockets, how foolish! What a fool she'll look asking Dumbledore for another. She backed up, looking around for somewhere, anywhere to hide, but there was nothing. With deep breaths she contemplated running again, but then she saw them, the figure emerging from the reeds.

He was instantly recognisable from his long blonde hair, his blue eyes shone in the moonlight. It was Lucius, her Lucius. But he was different... somehow. He was visibly slimmer, paler. He was tired looking, with large bags under his eyes. Almost a ghost of his former self.

"Astrid," His voice cracked as he called out to her. "Astrid it's me." He held out his hand to her, but she only took a step back. It pained him, but he understood after everything that just transpired at the house. He took a step towards her, his cane behind him, his free hand outstretched peacefully. "Astrid I'm not going to hurt you."

"Please... don't come any closer," Astrid choked as she stroked the bundle against her chest.

"Is that her?" Lucius asked softly, he swallowed hard and nodded to the sage green parcel. He spotted the E knitted on the back and his heart fluttered. "Is that Everly?"

"Yes," coughed Astrid, she looked down at her daughter, pulling the swaddle slightly away from her face to make sure she could breathe, the baby gurgled small cries.

"May I... hold her?" Lucius asked, stepping forward. Astrids legs trembled as Lucius advanced on her, she wanted him to meet their child so badly, hold her so badly, but not like this, not here. A small part of her was worried, what if he took her? What if he stole Everly away and left her in the swamp alone?

Astrid shook her head no lightly.

"Astrid, please," Lucius pleaded, his eyes were honest, pained, he was close enough to see the fear in hers now... but also the pain, hurt and love. Stabbing his cane into the ground so it stood up right he held both arms out now, towards his daughter. "Please let me hold her, my daughter,"

Astrid didn't fight back when he put his hands around the infant, peeling her off Astrid's chest he held the baby to his black robes, a light hand stroking the back of her little blonde head. A lump grew in Astrid's throat as she watched Lucius delicately handle the child, his child. Tears slipped from the corners of her eyes, she held back a sob.

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