Chapter 49. Jealousy

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"It's me, my love," Lucius croaked, staring deeply into Astrid's puzzled blue eyes. She glanced around; her brows knitted together slightly. Reaching up she took Lucius' hands and pushed them away from her and drew her knees up protectively. Lucius' face turned from relieved to hurt in a second.

            "Don't touch me." Astrid breathed, she crawled back as far as she could until her back hit the metal bars of her hospital bed.

            "Astrid..." Lucius breathed with pleading eyes, he reached out to her but she flinched away.

            "Where am I?" She asked looking around. "Where's Severus?" Lucius' lip twitched as she asked for the dark-haired wizard, a sting of pain stabbed him in his heart. He knew he deserved it, but she was hardly innocent either.

            "You're at St Mungo's my love... you died, your heart... it gave in." He explained reaching a hesitant hand out to her knee.

            "Don't call me that." Astrid breathed; her words had a knife edge to them. "I'm not your love." Lucius' face screwed up as he shook his head.

            "No, of course you are, I love you Astrid, with every sense of my being." He pleaded, edging towards her. Astrid felt the need to escape, she felt like a caged animal, trapped in his presence. Quickly she jumped from the opposite side of the bed to the one Lucius stood at, and backed away slowly. The marble floor was cold against her bare feet. She was suddenly aware she was not in her gown anymore, but a mint green knee length hospital gown.

            "No... you chose Narcissa, over me." Astrid exhaled shakily as she edged around the room, Lucius followed her movements carefully.

            "You chose Severus." Lucius said firmly.

            "No, I never did, I always wanted you... he was just... a distraction... a comfort." Astrid shook her head, tears welling in her eyes.

            "As is Narcissa, just... a distraction." Lucius sighed as he approached her with his palms up, he felt like he was dealing with a cornered animal, he couldn't predict whether she was going to fight, flight, or collapse into his arms in sobs. He swayed towards flight.

            "No, you've.... Replaced me.... with her! Everly called her mum!" Astrid yelled; tears slipped down her cheeks now as she pressed herself against the white hospital walls. She creeped towards the door, but Lucius stood in the way of her escape now.

            "Allowing Everly to... make that mistake... is one of my biggest regrets Astrid, I should have never let it happen... but it can be fixed, all you have to do... is come to me, my sweet." Lucius pleaded, holding out his hand to her. Astrid almost was tempted to take it. But she was blinded by rage.

            "You called me... a whore. You were cruel... and I died because of your cruelty."

            "I never meant for that, Astrid... I'm sorry, it was a fleeting moment of jealousy and anger, Severus is my longest, closest friend, you hurt me tremendously..."

            "And you me!" Astrid yelled as she made a break for it, but Lucius was too quick, he grabbed her from behind, wrapping a strong arm around her waist, the other pushing down her arms, securing them to her side. "No! no! Let me go!" She yelled, struggling against his hold.

            "Astrid, calm yourself," Lucius spoke worriedly into her ear. "You heart... you need to calm down..."

            "Get off of me, please!" She yelled, kicking at his legs and doubling over, attempting to free herself of his hold. Hearing the commotion Healers, came to the door, but spotting that it was a death eater trying to bundle the girl, they didn't intervene, too afraid of the consequences.

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