Chapter 35

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~Yoonminseok POV~

"Oi, we better get going now to not waste anymore time." Suga groaned as he grabbed some weapons for defense if anything happens. Jimin was on his computer, probably searching for Jungkook or is watching random korean dramas, either of those two. Hobi was also preparing for leave, grabbing some of his knives, blades, and his specialty, his fist.

Suga specializes in gun-related combat, Hobi specializes in blade art and he practiced kung fu when he was younger, and Jimin...he- let's just say his power is manipulation because of his charms.

"Jimin-sshi, let's get going before dawn." Jimin nodded and only bought his laptop with him, making the other two look at him confused.

"You're enough with that? You'll get hurt easily if someone were to lay a hand on you the slightest." Suga chimed it, clearly worried about his boyfriend who just smiled cheekly.

"You're worried~ but no worries, this short boyfriend of yours need nothing else but his brain." The two older guys sighed and just let the boy do whatever he wanted...let's just say, this man may be a midget but his strength is beyond average. Not to mention he rarely even practice his skills, but was born with natural talent (?)

Anyway back to the mission, they three now walked inside Jimin's black Ferrari. Yes as you can see Jimin also has a weird addiction ti ferraris but that's beside the point. He has a whole rainbow collection of it everywhere, ah yes the rich life.

But they picked black, to make it less noticable due to the dark night. The moon was the only light source around this place they're staying at, no city lights at all since Jimin wanted it to be a "half base half" mansion he said.

"Hobi, you drive"

"Why me? Let Yoongi do it, he's safer when driving."

"At this moment we need your speed, you idiot."

Jimin slapped the back of Hobi's head and walked inside the passenger seat, Yoongi let out his tongue as a sign of "hehe, I am safe now, goodluck!" If it weren't for them having higher ranks than him, he would've already tried to suffocate them to death with love.


"Right, left, straight, left, left,-"

"Jimin, we're going in circles."

And yep, these three dudes were circling around a closed park. Jimin looked at his GPS confused, it tracked it here but it keeps moving...not too far though, just around this park.

"Huh, we should break in the park and check for clearly shows that it's in here."

Both Yoongi and Hobi hesitated but just agreed, they were no match to Jimin when it comes to directions too. Soon they hopped out of the car and climber up the short fence. The park looked like any other, just a park in the middle of almost nowhere. It was a weird place to have a park since it's usually supposed to be crowded with people.

But this just gave them another lead on why it's built here, it must have a reasoning. The shortest male looked around, and something too feels off.

"Hey, I found some footsteps." Yoongi said as he looked at the trail of footsteps. Jimin and Hobi immediately joined him, and it somehow lead into a sewer entrance.

"...there's no way I am letting my beautiful ass enter than dirty shit." Jimin backed away with a disgusted face, both Yoongi and Hobi looked dumbfounded.

"Let's just go, we can't waste much time." Jimin still sulked, "No, I'll keep on guard outside, if any of them tries to escape they'll have to go through me too."

The two older ones didn't find a problem with it, since they three are quite skillful at anything, it's hard not to trust Jimin.

"Okay, make sure none of them will escape, and since their base is at the bottom, look around the other sewer holes as well." Jimin nodded at Hoseok's statement, and the two of them finally went down the hole.


We found the location, both Yoongi and Hobi are both in the base

And why the fuck are you messaging me? Go on with the investigation.

It's under a sewer, V, I just cleaned myself a few hours ago and I am not getting dirty again. So, I am keeping on guard outside to make sure none of the escapes.

Just make sure Jungkook gets back here safely, I don't want to wait much longer.

Roger that, boss

(With Yoongi and Hobi)

The two of them have went in the sewer for a few minutes now, and the place is oddly clean. Quite surprising really, but the path seems to go further and further.

The footsteps were slowly fading away, and Hoseok was the one who was panicking a lot over this.

"What will happen if we somehow don't make it through?"

Yes, he has been blabbering the whole time and Yoongi just let him. But at some point, the footsteps finally make it worse, they had to make a choice.

"Shit, we might need to split up on this one." Yoongi groaned, and Hoseok, hearing this, he hugged the other.

"Be safe, okay? I'll go to the right and you go to the left, if one of us finds nothing, we will fetch each other immediately."

Yoongi nodded, and kissed the other's cheek, "You too, make sure you'll make it back safely." And with that, they both split up.

I just wanna say tysm to @Witchoriiaa for the cover, HOLY SHIT REEEEEEEEE I AM COING CRAZY ASF FOR THIS

__________I just wanna say tysm to @Witchoriiaa for the cover, HOLY SHIT REEEEEEEEE I AM COING CRAZY ASF FOR THIS

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Slapping myself, they look so etheral...ToT my face can't relate holy f

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