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january 2021

           "THERE'S LIKE- A BILLION PEOPLE ON SET if you get lonely or lost. trust me, it's like family around here. don't be afraid to ask questions, kid."

alfie nodded, smiling gratefully as the executive producer showed her around set, introducing her to people and places, giving her advice along the way. she studied the corridors, smiling at everyone she passed while she tried to remember all the names of the people she'd already been introduced to.

"this is a big place, it might seem daunting at first but you'll feel at home soon, i promise. we have a trailer ready for you. but before i leave, do you have any questions?" he asked, turning his head over his shoulder to look at alfie.

she was silent as she shook her head, a gentle smile still on her face.

"perfect, i'll leave you here then? maybe you could meet some other people on set. only if you're up to it, of course. no rush." he clasped his hands together, stepping back a little. "i'll see you around, kid." and with that, he disappeared around the corner, leaving alfie at the door to her trailer.

she sighed, taking in her surroundings. there were so many trailers, so many people. at some point, she'd have to meet all of them. how would she introduce herself? should she let them come up to her? should she go up to them first? how would she-

her thoughts were interruped. a voice spoke out from beside her. she turned her head, slightly startled, to see who it was.

"uh, hi?" a boy with a buzz-cut and a tracksuit on leaned against the rail of what looked like his trailer's stairs. "i didn't mean to scare you- its just that, you've been stood there for a while. you good?"

she furrowed her eyebrows, looking at him with a quizzical look on her face.

he mirrored her expression, then cracking a grin. "right, sorry." he paused. reaching his hand out for alfie to shake. "i'm javon. it's good to meet you."

she tucked her hair behind her ear, before taking his hand and shaking it gently. "hi." she smiled.

"you don't say a lot, do you?" he questioned.

she chuckled, looking down at her feet, then looking back up again. "sorry. um, i'm alfie." she stepped back a little, "it's nice to meet you too." she turned on her heel, sending him a smile over her shoulder as she went up the stairs to her trailer.

"i'll see you later?" the boy asked, in a sort of hopeful tone.

her smile grew as she replied, "you will." then she entered her trailer, shutting the door carefully behind her.

" then she entered her trailer, shutting the door carefully behind her

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user1037492 what is she on set for
user0849267 People keep saying she's in Euphoria season 2
   ⤷ user4685724 euphoria follows her

maudeapatow cool beans
alfiebecket i love beans
       ⤷ user1867294 so many of the cast follow her there's no way she's not in euphoria

user5926910 WAIT A DAMN MINUTE
alfiebecket waiting...
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