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"SHE'S BEEN IN THE ICU for around a day. the coma was self induced, so we're unsure when she'll wake up." the nurse had been talking for around ten minutes, leading javon to alfie. "we shouldn't really tell a non-relative about a patient's state, so that's all i can share for now. her parents are in the room already, maybe you could talk to them."

javon had already blocked her voice out, his ears ringing as they got nearer and nearer her ward. he felt like he was going to collapse, like his legs were heavy lead. all he was focused on was seeing her. when they got to the door, the nurse knocked lightly before entering the room.

"this is javon walton, we are under the impression that you were expectin-" the nurse cut herself off as she saw alfie's mother pull him into a hug. "..i'll- i'll leave you to it." she smiled, slipping herself out of the door.

javon was shocked with the hug at first, his body stiff and tense, but soon he relaxed, placing his hand comfortingly on alfie's mother's back. "we've heard so much about you, javon." she spoke, pulling away with tears in her eyes. "she used to talk about you all the time, she really adored you." he smiled softly, but his eyes gleamed with sadness. she continued, "we'll give you some time alone. i'm sure you have a lot to say."

alfie's father patted javon's shoulder as the pair of them left the room, closing the door carefully behind them. the boy took his time to examine the room, running his eyes along the monitors and pieces of paper scattered across a counter top. he was reluctant to look at her, he couldn't bare to see her so helpless.

but eventually his eyes had reached her, looking at how she lay so lifelessly on the hospital bed before him. he slowly walked over to her, his heart beating out of his chest as he took her hand, cupping it with both of his.

he looked at her face. it was pale, bloody in some places. there was a large gash on her neck, and a bruise that traced her cheekbone. he'd expected something a little worse, but then again, he knew the damage done to her was mostly on the inside.

his breath caught up in his throat as his eyes began to water ever so slightly, lifting her hand and pressing his lips to the back of it. he lowered her hand down again, bringing his forehead to the bed, tears slowly beginning to roll down his cheeks.

he didn't know what he was going to say at first, he'd never felt so guilty in his life. but he remembered what his dad had told him when they arrived at the airport. that it wasn't his fault. that he couldn't have known what would happen on the plane.

"i know you probably can't hear me right now. and i know that you're in a lot of pain." he paused, lifting his head up to look at her face. "i know it's selfish of me, but i really need you to wake up. i don't know if i can go another day not knowing if i'm ever going to hear your voice again."

silence was all the filled the room. he'd never heard such quietness in his life. he hated it.

"alfie-" he said, "i love you."

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