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may 2021

IN ALL HER LIFE, ALFIE had never had a friend like javon. he was the kind of friend that made her happy without noticing, he was kind of like a drug. when she had super busy days and couldn't see javon, she'd watch the clock until she could. she would count down the days each week on her calendar, circling thursday when it came with bright pink highlighter.

she figured that she looked forward to seeing javon so much because he was her first proper friend. but she also considered if it was because she really liked him that much.

she was almost certain that javon and her would never even step beyond friendship. and in all honesty, she didn't want to go any further. she liked javon for company and a good laugh, not for love. she didn't want that to change.

"can i ask you a question, jay?" alfie pulled her knees to her chest, wrapping her arms around her legs. "one of those questions that's like- really cheesy, but at the same time, is definitely a-hundred-percent necessary." she turned to him for an answer.

"fire away." he replied.

she tucked her hair behind her ear, saying "out of all the people on set, why did you choose me to come to lunch with you?" she paused, "the second time we spoke, i mean."

he furrowed his eyebrows lightly, visibly thinking about what he was going to say. he took a while, but alfie didn't mind. "i guess you were just the first person that came to mind, that's all."

alfie smiled and answered, "ok."

"my turn," he said, "out of all the people on set, why did you agree to come to lunch with me?" he turned to face her, smiling faintly.

she waited a moment, then chuckled. "i guess i was hungry." he only responded with a laugh.

it was dark, and the pair were sat next to each other on the sidewalk curb, overlooking the view of the city in front of them. cars could be heard from a distance, wheels rolling over the wet tarmac. and the air was bleak and slightly bitter, leaving patches of soft pink along their cheeks.

for a while, the both of them sat in complete silence, admiring the peace. alfie slowly opened her eyes, taking a deep breath through her nose, and turning her head to look at javon. he looked so untroubled. his eyes focused on the scenery before him, alfie had never seen him this way before. she smiled, returning her gaze to the view.

taking her hands, she pressed against the concrete beneath her, shuffling slightly closer to the boy next to her. and with slight hesitancy, and lots of thinking, she rested her head against his shoulder, fluttering her eyes shut.

 and with slight hesitancy, and lots of thinking, she rested her head against his shoulder, fluttering her eyes shut

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mentioned onwardwanna in their story

we should do that more often

thank you
for taking me out
i really enjoyed it

i did too
i like it when you aren't busy

i'll see you in the morning?

of course
delivered 23:54pm

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