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"WHAT DOES THIS mean?" she asked, her face still close to his. "what does it make us?" her breath feathered across his cheeks, warming his skin.

he swallowed, shaking his head. "i don't know."

"do we just- act like this never happened?" she questioned, looking up at him, her eyebrows furrowed.

he shook his head again, "no, i want it to mean something." he placed his hand on her waist like before, looking deeper into her eyes. "i want us to be something. i don't want to stay just friends."

"i don't either. but don't you think we're too young?" she asked him, looking down at her feet. "i mean, we're just kids."

she tilted her head back up to him as he replied, "what's stopping us?" his lip quirked up into a smirk. "there aren't any rules, alf."

"no rules." she repeated to herself in a whisper, nodding her head.

"we don't have to if you're not ready." he tucked a few stray hairs behind her ear, "you'd tell me if you weren't, wouldn't you?"

she looked up at him again, "i am ready. i just don't want to ruin our friendship, y'know?"

"our friendship won't just disappear, alf."

"even if something happens.. you promise we'll stay friends?" she asked, fiddling with the drawstrings of her hoodie.

he smiled, "is that a yes?"

she quirked her eyebrow, smiling in question. "a yes to what exactly?"

there was a pregnant pause in the conversation, before javon said, "alf, i really really like you. like a lot. i have ever since we first stepped into that taco-bell together." he smiled, "i want you."

"want me to be what?" she tilted her head, admiring his smile. the way his cheeks would turn slightly red, even if he wasn't embarrassed. the way his eyes would narrow more and more until they were almost shut. it was only now that alfie realised, she had almost completely fallen for javon walton.

a pause.

"i want you to be mine." he placed his hands on her cheeks, once again. "i want you to be my girlfriend."

she chuckled, "of course you do."

and at this, he leant down, placing a kiss on her forehead as he pulled her into a hug, her head buried in his chest as she linked her arms around his back.

there they stood, wallowing in their new love, relishing every moment of it.

oh man this is cheesy, jesus fuck

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