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ALFIE COULDN'T QUITE comprehend what had just happened. she wondered if maybe her mind was playing tricks on her, and that she was still looking over los angeles. but there she was, her hand still holding his, their foreheads pressed against each other as they regained composure. she wanted to speak, but there was nothing to say.

all these months, she'd wondered why their friendship had waxed and waned like phases of the moon. when one moment they were in fits of laughter, and the next they were completely silent, not sure of the right thing to say. there had been a masked tension between the two, one that had gone unnoticed since they met. she was certain that she didn't like him before, but now she realised that she'd only been fooling herself. now she understood what hunter had been telling her all along.

"you're making yourself ignore how you really do feel. you don't want to believe it because you like the friendship you have, but deep down you know that's not what you want."

it became apparent that deep down, being more than just friends with javon wasn't what she wanted. she did want more, and now she was certain of her feelings.

javon, on the other hand, had been certain for a while now. he knew exactly how he felt for alfie, he just never knew how to express it. but now he had, and he was so glad.

"i thought that you wanted to be just friends." she said, her voice hoarse as she pulled away, taking javon's hand from her cheek and pushing it to his side.

he shook his head, "you've never been more wrong."

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onwardwanna i can't believe i acc did it
alfiebecket ;)
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hunterschafer so so so so frickin pretty, mad u left the premiere early tho
alfiebecket i had things to do and places to be
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sydney_sweeney since when were we allowed to leave red carpet conferences?!?!
alfiebecket since now ig💪
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william.franklyn.miller I had to cover for you, they were asking where you were😰😰😰
alfiebecket did you tell them that i was having an hour long shit? xxxxxx
   ⤷ user8264927 HDKDHAGAHAH
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