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[next to you - john vincent iii]

"IT'S SO PRETTY" alfie said softly, her eyes closed as the setting sun danced on her face. she smiled, taking in the air around her as light winds whisked through her hair, strands covering her face. her eyes opened slowly as she turned to look at the boy next to her, her smile remaining.

he'd admired how the sun settled on her skin, subtly contouring her face. how her eyes reflected the sun like still water. he thought the view of los angeles was beautiful, but he couldn't seem to take his eyes away from the girl by his side.

she'd noticed him looking at her, and raised her hand to her face, swiping her cheek. "do i have something on my face?" she examined her hand to see if she'd picked up whatever he was looking at, but there was nothing.

he chuckled, shaking his head. "no, no i was just-" he turned away from her, "it doesn't matter."

"ok." she answered simply, facing back to the sun and closing her eyes. "whatever you say, buzz-cut boy."

he smiled at the nickname. it'd been a while since she said it last.

"DID YOU TELL THAT girl that you like her?" alfie asked, her knees pulled to her chest as she rested her head on her arm

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"DID YOU TELL THAT girl that you like her?" alfie asked, her knees pulled to her chest as she rested her head on her arm.

"no," he smiled to himself. "not yet."

she licked her lips, "well, when you do, i want to be the first to know." she turned to him, "capisce?"

he chuckled, "capisce."

javon wished he could just confess, but he didn't know how. he didn't want to make a mistake. he was worried that if he did tell her how he felt, it might ruin their friendship. he wasn't ready to take that risk.

 he wasn't ready to take that risk

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hunterschafer pssst, its you
comment liked by onwardwanna
alfiebecket hopeless hunter
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onwardwanna patience is key
alfiebecket #cancelpatience
    ⤷ user9163844 I wonder who He likes.
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user8274950 something strange is going on
user7281057 I think its cuz he likes her but idk
    ⤷ user9401131 hunter keeps on teasing them about it i think its a joke
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