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IT HAD BEEN TWO months since alfie had left the euphoria set. two months since she last saw javon. at times she struggled, wishing she was with him up by the hollywood sign, or maybe in taco-bell. but other times she felt fine, almost as though it had never happened. sometimes, she'd think of how she cried into his arms on their last day together, and how much she thought she was going to miss him. but for the most part, it seemed that alfie becket had grown out of her friendship with javon.

for the first few weeks back in new york, she'd facetime javon when she could, or even ring him late at night if she didn't get chance to during the day. she looked forward to catching up with him, and he with her. but it wasn't long until alfie realised that staying in connection with javon was the reason she missed him so much. maybe, she thought, if she didn't contact him so much, she wouldn't miss him anymore. and so for the rest of december, alfie kept her conversations with javon minimal.

javon had had the worst two months of his life. he didn't understand why alfie had grown so distant all of a sudden. he wondered if william franklyn miller had something to do with it, or maybe he'd said something to upset her. whatever it was, he wanted to fix it. but when he brought it up in their ever-growing distanced conversations, she always cut him off short, telling him that she had work to do or that her wifi connection was bad. he decided not to bother her from then on. he knew that the only way to properly go back to normal was to talk to her in person. at least then she couldn't make up excuses.

 at least then she couldn't make up excuses

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