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march 2021

" THEY'RE SO OBLIVIOUS." he chuckled, reading through the comments on alfie's post. "i'm genuinely worried for them."

alfie laughed along, watching as he threw his head back in amusement. "we have them wrapped around our fingers, i wonder how long it'll take for them to notice that we're just leading them on."

"could take forever if we carry on like this." he looked back up at the girl, "you know what they're like."

she bit her lip to stop her from smiling any more. she couldn't explain why he made her act like this. usually she only smiled because of first impressions and photos, but he made her smile all the time. no strings attached.

alfie covered her face, she hated how much he was making her laugh. for a moment, javon shook his head at her sheepishness, before he reached forward to carefully pry her hands from her face. "are you blushing?" he smiled.

her face grew redder, "stop, no! i'm not, you're just mega annoying." she chuckled. "stop doing that thing."

"what thing?" he asked, imitating her.

"the thing where you- what you're doing now. you're mimicking me" she pointed at him.

"you're mimicking me" he repeated, attempting to sound like her, but failing miserably.

"you're seriously frustrating, buzz-cut boy." she answered, resting her chin in the palm of her hand.

"you know you love me." he teased.

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user4473916 are they dating??
alfiebecket nooo, we just had a shoot for a magazine and went out for dinner after
    ⤷ user6970701 i bet javon is jealous
comment liked by onwardwanna

onwardwanna don't steal her @william.franklyn.miller
william.frankyln.miller no promises
   ⤷ user4830110 william i love u ur so hot😍
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anguscloud quite the man's lady
alfiebecket i'm a charmer😌
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