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ALFIE WAS HAPPY THAT HER AND javon were speaking properly again, she'd missed having someone to chat to when she needed. she knew that javon would speak to her eventually, so she waited patiently until he did.

she was happy for javon. she hoped that the girl he was talking about yesterday was good to him, and that she treated him well. it seemed that she hadn't caught onto the fact that the girl he was on about, was her. it hadn't even crossed her mind.

what had crossed her mind though, was the fact that william franklyn miller seemed to be quite interested in her. he always had been, but only now was he showing it. in truth, she did like him back, but he was two years older than her, and she knew it'd be weird.

filming for euphoria was slowly coming to a close, it had gone by far faster than she imagined it would, she didn't want it to be over. not yet. because no euphoria, meant no taco-bell thursdays. no euphoria meant no javon, and she didn't think she could live with that.

there was only one month left, she wanted to make the most of it.

there was only one month left, she wanted to make the most of it

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onwardwanna i think it looks much better that way.
alfiebecket your face looks better when i'm punching it too
    ⤷ hunterschafer that's no way to talk to your boyfriend alfie!!
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william.franklyn.miller 👩🏼
alfiebecket you're right, that is me
view all 366 replies

sydney_sweeney 😛yum
alfiebecket you're yum😫
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replied to your story
no. facetime javon.
not william.

i see javon every day
plus he's literally next door

then go see him

that's not a bad idea
i think i will

ALFIE HADN'T REALLY THOUGHT OF doing that, as silly as it sounds. sometimes she completely forgot that javon's trailer was right next to hers.

alfie slipped her shoes on and made her way to his door. when she got there only a moment later, she knocked on his door lightly. no answer. she knocked again. no answer. alfie furrowed her eyebrows, she could've sworn he wasn't filming today.

she knocked one last time, before the door swung open by a seemingly rushed javon. "i was getting changed. is everything ok?" he said, breathless.

she smiled, saying "i'm fine. i just wanted to come and see you, thats all."

his lips curved upwards as he stepped back, inviting her in. "you're not filming today?" he asked. she shook her head in response. "that's new."

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alfiebecket bacon = loml
onwardwanna you spelt javon wrong
comment liked by alfiebecket
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anguscloud @alfiebecket cook me some pls
alfiebecket omw
   ⤷ user0200177 When is S2 Coming out?
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hunterschafer she only cooks bacon for people she loves
onwardwanna well aren't i lucky @alfiebecket
    ⤷ anguscloud looks like she loves me too
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