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january 2021

                            ALFIE HAD SETTLED INTO EUPHORIA set life just fine. she woke up, went to set, went to bed, and that was it. she never usually had time to talk to anyone, not that she minded. she had the occasional chat with the director after shots, but she was in a rush most of the time.

she was very popular in the modelling industry, though not classed as a model. she had regular magazine shoots and lots of interviews since joining the euphoria cast. so when not on set, she was always busy.

she hadn't had much time to think about how antisocial she was when it came to being on set. she'd only spoken to a few of the cast members, and even then, they were short lived as her schedule had her constantly running around to different places.

for a fifteen year old girl, many would say she overworked herself. but it made her feel worthy of all the fame she was gaining. she liked to keep herself busy, it meant she didn't have to talk to people as much.

she was sat on her trailer steps, running through some lines before she had to shoot her next scene, when a familiar-ish voice approached her. she looked up to see the boy she'd met only a few weeks ago walking towards her. it looked like he'd just finished shooting for the day.

"long time, no see." he said in an amused tone, "alfie, right?" he asked.

she hummed, "mhm, and... you're buzz-cut boy." it seemed this was her only way of remembering who he was. she liked the name. buzz-cut boy.

he chuckled, "if you like. do you mind?" he gestured to the space next to her with his hand. she shuffled over slightly as an invitation, she didn't mind. she wouldn't be there for much longer anyway. a little bit of company won't hurt.

she put down her script next to her, turning to the boy as he sat down, smiling. he spoke again, "how's your week been? you seem busy."

she nodded, "it's been good, there's been a lot going on." she clutched her hands together, "i like to keep busy, though. keeps me going, y'know?"

"are you sure you're not doing too much? i mean, it'll get tiring after a while." he responded.

she diverted her gaze from him, looking straight forward instead. "maybe, i don't know." she bit her lip in thought for a moment, "i like routine, i guess i'm kind of weird like that."

"no, not at all." he smiled, "you've just got a strong work drive. there's nothing wrong with that. maybe sometimes you should give yourself a break though, even if you think you don't need it."

she looked back to him with a small grin, "i'll get back to you on that one. thanks, buzz-cut boy." she stood up quickly, picking up her script as she did so.

"gone so soon?" the boy questioned, his head tilted. she responded with a shrug and a smile as she left him alone on the steps.

he'd wondered why she didn't like too much conversation. at first he was worried that she didn't like him, but he noticed how distant she was from everyone else, too. he figured that it was just how she was, and he didn't have a problem with it. in fact, he kind of liked it.

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anguscloud you looked like you needed a hat
alfiebecket i wont argue
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user1047395 she fits in with the cast so well
user0385917 Apparently she's really quiet
user8302749 where can i watch euphoria for free

onwardwanna so this is where you ran off to.
user3820471 ship
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