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SHE KNEW SHE HAD no choice but to leave los angeles once again, and although this time she didn't find it so difficult, she still hated the thought of being even a mile away from javon. her head hurt thinking about it.

"facetime when you can, yeah?" he asked, looking down at her with a smile. "i want to see you as much as i can, alf."

she nodded in response. "i promise. can we call tonight? when i'm home, i mean."

a soft chuckle escaped his lips as he raised his hands to her face. "you don't have to ask, just call me whenever. i'll pick up."

her lips meandered into a smile as he leaned down, his lips hovering over hers, butterflies swarming her stomach. they shared one last kiss, as the final announcement for her flight echoed around the airport.

he slid his hands down her arms, taking her hands in his when he reached them. "stay safe, okay?"

she stood on her tiptoes, reaching up to press her lips against his cheek momentarily, "i'll do my best." she replied as she pulled away. her hands slid from out of his grip as she took her suitcase, tears glittering in her eyes.

she couldn't leave him, but she didn't have a choice. and so she turned away from him, thinking about when she'd see him again as she got further and further away from him.

and just like that, she'd disappeared once again.

and just like that, she'd disappeared once again

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replied to your story
tell me when you get home safe <3
delivered 9:57am

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