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WITHOUT HESITATION, JAVON had booked a flight to new york. he was so focused on going to see her that he'd forgotten that flying was the thing that got her hurt. all he wanted was to talk to her again, now more than ever.

he'd packed his things within minutes, his heart racing as he sat in the passenger seat of his dad's car. he couldn't stop thinking about alfie, he couldn't stop thinking about how maybe if he'd got her to stay with him in los angeles, she wouldn't be hurt. his dad told him not to blame himself, and that there was no way he could've known that the plane would crash.

"you must really like her, the way you talk about her." he'd said. "i can see that you care. but that's no reason to blame yourself for what happened. it was an accident, it had nothing to do with you, kid." javon had nodded in response, biting his lip as he turned to look out of the window, rubbing his forehead in despair.

he'd boarded the plane only twenty minutes later, sitting down in his seat and letting out a heavy breath, knocking his head back into the head rest as he looked up to the ceiling. he rubbed his eyes with exhaustion, groaning as his head whizzed with emotions he couldn't even begin to explain.


i'll come and see you soon,
not long now <3
delivered 13:27pm

𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒¹ javon waltonWhere stories live. Discover now