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april 2021

"THERE'S NO WAY YOU DON'T like each other." hunter insisted that she knew something was going on between alfie and javon. but the truth was, they were just friends. that's what alfie thought anyway.

"i promise you, we don't have a thing." alfie replied, tucking her hair behind her ear. "there's no way i could like javon like that. no way."

"i'm not convinced, alf. your instagram comments say otherwise." hunter pulled out her phone to get some evidence, before turning it around to face alfie.

"i've seen them all, people on the internet have no idea what's going on between him and i. i only like him as a friend, nothing more, nothing less." she said in a slightly firmer tone.

"you're in denial." hunter shook her head, tucking her phone back into her jean pocket.

" hunter shook her head, tucking her phone back into her jean pocket

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alfiebecket neighbours👊
onwardwanna wouldn't have it another way
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hunterschafer living next to your girlfriend must be pretty cool
alfiebecket HUNTER STOP
onwardwanna @hunterschafer she's a pain in the butt
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user1132779 they have to be together i'm finding this so tricky to deny
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