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HE HEARD LIGHT FOOTSTEPS approaching him, but he didn't turn to face the direction they were coming from. he remained looking forwards over the city, his hands pressed firmly onto the railing that divided the hill and the road.

she knew he wouldn't face her when she arrived, he never did when he was annoyed or uneasy. but she didn't mind. her hands collided with the cold metal railing, her body close to javon's side.

they didn't speak for a while, none of them really knew what to say. but eventually, silence was broken.

"i'm sorry," his voice came out croaky, his throat dry with nerves. "i haven't been acting like a friend recently."

she swallowed thickly, looking down at her reddened hands. "i figured you just wanted some time to yourself for once. i didn't really think there was a problem." she spoke honestly.

"i need to tell you something, just because i think you're the only one who can actually help me." he let out a small sigh, "i can't figure out what any of it means."

"i'll try my best." she answered.

"there's this girl, she's one of my best friends. we used to chat like we'd known each other for years." he paused, "but, now every time i speak to her, i never know what to say."

alfie furrowed her eyebrows, tucking her lip between her teeth in thought. "does she make you feel nervous?" she asked.

he shook his head, "i don't know, it's too hard to tell. she makes me feel so many emotions that i can't figure out what it is i'm actually feeling."

"how long has she made you feel this way?" alfie questioned.

"it's kind of always been there, it was just easier to cover up when i first got to know her. but now it's the only thing i can think about." he explained.

alfie stood still for a few moments, lips parted to speak, though she didn't say anything for a while. "well if you're sure that you don't hate her, but also sure that being friends isn't working the way it should... then isn't it obvious?"

he turned to meet her eyes for the first time that night, shaking his head.

she glanced at him too, running her tongue along her bottom lip. "you like her." she said simply. "in a seriously non-platonic way." his face remained puzzled, before she spoke again. "buzz-cut boy has a crush." she spoke with a pert tone, her smile wide and beaming.

javon had forgotten how much he loved it when she smiled. the way her cheeks would turn slightly red, even if she wasn't embarrassed. the way her eyes would narrow more and more until they were almost shut. and the way she'd look at the ground to hide it from anyone looking her way. it was only now that javon realised, he had almost completely fallen for alfie becket.

but he wouldn't tell her that.

no way.

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onwardwanna pretty
alfiebecket thank you, jay :)
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william.franklyn.miller wow. wow. you're beautiful.
alfiebecket smiling so hard rn
comment liked by onwardwanna
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hunterschafer can i kidnap you
alfiebecket looks like i didn't get a choice, eh?
    ⤷ user5849990 They are so funny I can't
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