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SHE KNEW THAT SHE would have to take photos with javon at some point after they'd watched the premiere, the photographers were insistent. she figured that if she just kept her mouth shut, then maybe he wouldn't say anything, and the photographers could move on.

"a little closer, you two." one of the photographers said, waving his hand to gesture them. alfie held her breath as she shuffled in closer to javon, her arm wrapping around his back, and her head resting on his shoulder.

javon thought back to that night at their spot in los angeles, where she'd done the same thing. except now it was all an act to cover up the flaws in their relationship.

cameras had moved on to other members of the cast, leaving the two of them alone, despite the room being full of people. javon turned to alfie, swallowing before he spoke. "can i talk to you for a second?"

her eyes met with his. "um," she looked away, "yeah."

"can we go somewhere else?" he asked, "like, away from here." she nodded in response. "follow me." he said, leading her through crowds of people. she followed him out of the doors and into the street. he lead her round corners and roads, looking over his shoulder every now and then to check that she was still there.

it wasn't long before he stopped in his tracks, turning around to face her. she too stopped, looking into his eyes as she caught up with him in her final steps. "you hungry?" he asked, a small smirk tugging at his lips. she remained silent as she looked up at the sign of the place they had stopped, a small smile appearing on her face when she did so.

she parted her lips to speak, "it's not thursday."

he chuckled, taking her hand. "who said there were rules?" and with that, he lead her into the building.

a taco-bell, filled with memories.

a taco-bell, filled with memories

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mentioned you in their story


just realised she left william at the premiere.
also can we talk about how javon left a whole ass premiere just to take his 'best friend' to taco bell? that's a true gentleman right there.

anyways, could y'all let me know if you're enjoying this?
don't be scared to give me criticism, i want to make this story as amazing as it can be!

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