Chapter 1- Summer Break

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Elio POV

"Come on, this way! Just trust me!" I said happily to my wonderful girlfriend Lillie as she continued to hold my hand. She tilted her head, "I thought you said you discovered new ruins?" I smiled, continuing to hold my perverbial cards close to my chest, "I did!" I walked with her through the dragon trial area we went through all those years ago and exited out to the staircase that leads to the top of the Altar of the Sunne. Lillie scratched her head, "I don't get it? Did you find a new part of these ruins?" I turned to her, "Uh... Complicated answer. I'll show you what I mean in a second." We walked up the staircase, a lot easier now that I'm still in good shape from our last season. We reached the top and I reached in to my bag, "I took the flute we found on Exeggutor Island, and I use it to call Nebby now." I pulled out the flute and Lillie tilted her head, "Really? Did you not want to take him with you?" I shook my head, "I did. But it wasn't fair to compete with him on my side. So I still have his ball and everything, but I let him roam around and I visit him whenever he wants me to." Lillie smiled, "Oh. That's nice, but why are you calling Nebby?" I looked to the sky and saw Nebby who landed right in front of us moments later.

"So. You remember how we got to the place with all the Nihilego?" Lillie slowly nodded in a confused way, "Yes? Don't tell me we're going there..." I shook my head, "No- no. That's not fun or... Geez Lillie who do you take me for." Lillie giggled, "That was a little silly of me. But really, what's that got to do with new ruins." I clasped my hands, "So apparently, in an alternate dimension, this is the Altar of the Moone, rather than of the Sunne. I wanted to see some differences and what not with you." Lillie had a look of sharp realization, "Oh! Well then lead on Nebby!" She hugged the massive lion, who began to purr. I chuckled, "Alright Neb. Ready?" He refocused towards me then nodded. We then shot through the ultra wormhole together in search of the Altar of the Moone.

We landed there moments later, it was just like where we were, but it was night time here. I hopped of Nebby and extended my hand so she could take it and gracefully dismount the massive sun lion. She giggled, "That's a new one." I shook my head, "Lillie we're in a different dimension, you can roast me for being an awful boyfriend later." Lillie laughed, then looked around, taking in the sights and obviously thinking hard about what she was seeing. I looked at her, "Notice something?" She nodded, "The emblem up there has the moon, rather than the sun." I shrugged, "That makes sense." I noticed it was glowing a bright shade of blue, cutting through the night like a beam of light. Lillie and I looked at each other as we noticed it. She looked to me, "Want to get a closer look?" I nodded, then Nebby took us up closer, we reached where the emblem was on the pillar, and I instinctively reached my hand out to touch it. My finger tip made contact and immediately I flashed out of consciousness.


Lots of darkness.

Where am I?

I saw a quick flash of many images, none of which I had seen before, then finally it ended with an image of a silhouette of some kind of whale Pokemon, lit by lightning in a rain storm. It's glowing eyes piercing me...

I flashed back in to reality. Lillie looked at me, "You see that?" I nodded, "I saw something." She blushed a little bit, "Wh... What did you see?" I looked down, "I don't know... It was pretty scary though... Not gonna lie my heart is moving pretty fast right now." Lillie tilted her head, "Oh... I see... Well that's not at all like I saw." I scratched my chin, "Really, you need to talk about it?" Lillie shook her head, closed her eyes and smiled, "Mm.... Nah." I chuckled, I can only imagine what she's thinking about. I chuckled, "Well hey, at least you saw something... Good?" She nodded. We then continued to search the ruins. The images I saw weighed on my mind though. I don't know what they were, but it didn't look good. Lillie pointed in front of us and gasped, "Elio! Look!" I turned my attention to where she pointed, and there on the ground in front of us, was a Cosmog. I knelt down to see it, "Oh! Hello there." It floated over to me, went directly past me and then attached itself to Lillie, I mumbled in a jokingly frustrated way, "I see how it is." Lillie giggled and picked up the small Cosmog, "Hi little guy! Are you lost?" It didn't respond because, y'know, it doesn't really understand. The Cosmog moved from Lillie's arms to her back, where it went in to her pink drawstring bag. Lillie looked at me and laughed, "Cosmogs are all the same I guess. Something about bags..." Just then I heard a familiar zapping noise. And Lillie's bag started shaking. Then after about 3 shakes, went still. Lillie's face went from smiling to deadpan as we looked at each other. I began, "Lillie... You don't happen to keep any... Pokeballs on you do you?" She made a straight face and nodded slowly. I clasped my hands, "Does your bag happen to feel... Lighter?" She nodded with the same straight face. I put my hands on my hips, "Alright. So we've got another Cosmog. Is that gonna mess with the timeline or something here?" "No." I turned around and saw Nebby staring at me, Lillie and I both looked at him and asked simultaneously, "You can talk!?" Nebby blinked, "No. Not usually, this dimension is different, and I can communicate using telepathy. You guys are fine to keep that Cosmog. This dimension is fine without it." I raised a finger, "Ok.... Well I guess we should head back again then." I began to walk off to where the ultra wormhole is, then looked back to Nebby, "Oh yeah. Since you can talk, I appreciate all you did for me and Lillie back in the day Nebby." He huffed, "It's all good man. You guys helped me out a lot too. Especially you Lillie, thanks for getting me outta there." Lillie responded in a loving way, but I'm more focused on the fact that the incarnation of the sun in the form of a lion just said 'It's all good man' to me.

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