Chapter 12- Premonitions

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Elio POV

"IT IS OVER! PASIO UNIVERSITY DEFEATS MOSSDEEP TECH 6-2!!" I gave Brendan a high five as we collected revenge for one of our losses last season. We improved to 2-0 after another dominant performance. As far as stats go, I let Rosa and Paulo go in when Brendan and Dawn went down. Brendan had 3, Dawn had 1, I had 1. The last one went to Paulo. He wasn't listening to my calls, but his individual skill made him able to isolate the last guy and destroy him. He's a lot like Victor in that he's just really good one on one. Now that's a match I'd pay to see... Victor vs Paulo... Anyway. Not the point. The point is we're good. We're dang good.

As I made my usual walk back to the team boat... Oh yeah, the team boat. I lived. Lillie was worried sick about it, to the point where she begged me not to go, but I'm ok. I guess there's still the trip back but... Yeah. I worry about her, for a couple reasons that are hard to explain, but all from the root that I love her to death. Don't get that part twisted. I wouldn't change a thing about her, she always has been and will always be the person in this world I love the most. I just need to make sure that she's doing alright. I walked back through the tunnel, I looked next to me and saw Rosa, absolutely starstruck, I patted her on the back, "Hey, good stuff today. Especially for your first time." Rosa smiled, "Thank you so much! I didn't score or anything though..." I shrugged, "Doesn't matter to me, I only care about stats to a certain point. If you're out there and give it your all, I can tell. That's what I like to see." Rosa smiled. She was just happy to be here, and I really appreciate that kind of attitude. I looked to Paulo, "Got your first point! How's it feel man?" He looked at me, "Got just as many as you." Oh. I shrugged, "Yeah, that's good. Great for your first match!" He chuckled, "That Captain's spot is as good as mine next year." I laughed, then walked away. I think he was joking? I'm gonna say he was joking. I hope. I sat down by Brendan when everyone was packing their things to get back on the boat, "Dang. We look good this year." Brendan nodded, "Yeah. We really do. Imagine what we'd be doing if we still had Calem." I scratched my head, electing not to reveal the deal I just made with Calem. I figure that if it falls through (I think it will) I don't want to disappoint Brendan by lying about Calem coming back.

We sailed on the boat back towards Pasio. It's a few hours to go, but hey, I'm spending it with my friends. That being said, I want to call Lillie. I can't get my mind off her. She picked up, "Elio? Are you ok?" I nodded, "Yes. I'm all good. Hey, I just wanted to talk to you today." Lillie sighed, "It's about the whole dream thing isn't it?" I responded slowly, "Partially, but mostly just because I love you." Lillie sounded distraught, "Elio, I'm not up at night worrying about you. Look, I just... Be careful ok. Ever since seeing that vision at the Altar of the Moone, I've been having borderline prophetic dreams... And... It's... I'm scared." I shook my head, "Keep your door unlocked, I'll come by and we can watch a movie or something ok?" She affirmed, "Please do."

Later, we arrived there and Brendan asked me, "Hey, you want to go out somewhere with May and I?" I shook my head, "Sorry man. I uh... Lillie's not doing so good. I need to be with her." Brendan shrugged, "Hey, do what you need to do. I'd do the same for May... You need me to handle game prep for tomorrow?" I stumbled over words before he punched me in the shoulder and chuckled, "Just kidding. I'll put Dawn on it, she's good at that stuff. Take the night off." I sighed with relief, "You joke too much man, but hey, I should teach you how to gameplan at some point, since you're for all intents and purposes the 2nd Captain." Brendan waved me off, "Worry about that another time, go help your girl." I nodded and smiled then walked off toward Lillie's apartment. I knocked on the door, Serena answered, she was wearing pink pajamas and her hair was messy. She looked me over once, then tiredly said, "Hey Elio. Come in." I walked past while asking Serena, "Feeling ok?" She shrugged, "Been better, I'll live though." I nodded, then went to Lillie's room. She was sitting on her bed, just wearing a night gown, she looked over at me, "Elio..." I put my arms around her and she sunk in to me. I chuckled, "Hey." She snuggled closer to me, "Elio... What do I do? I'm worried sick about you. I know you told me not to worry, but my dreams have been... Too real." I thought for a moment, "What exactly happens in your dreams Lil?" She sighed, "Usually just regular dreams, but every so often I get these vivid dreams about minor things that end up happening in the next few days. But a few nights ago, it was different. It wasn't some minor event. It was you." She paused, probably to collect herself, "I... There was a storm where you were. The boat was rocking and lightning was striking around it. All I saw was you get flung by something and hit your head really hard. You looked... Dead."

I thought for a moment, "Huh.... You know we don't take the boat on stormy days right? The games get cancelled." Lillie scratched her chin, "I figured as much. That was one of the things that kept me hung up on it." I hugged her tight, "One thing I said to you last year at the Harvest Festival is something I remember often in times like these. I told you that I don't like to test my courage, because I want it to be there when I need it, I don't want to waste it. Same thing goes here. I waste my courage worrying about things that haven't happened yet. If they happen, then I won't have lost time before worrying about it, I'll deal with it the best I can, and then move on to the next." Lillie sighed, "I don't want anything much. Just stay safe. Please. You are my world Elio." I smiled, "I'll do my best. You better stay safe too."

Brendan POV

May and I were out at the campus cafeteria enjoying a meal. I looked over to her, "You excited to go in a match soon?" May shrugged, "It's really nerve racking. We play in front of some huge crowds." I nodded as I took another bite. May stirred her drink for a little bit, she's always had a habit of doing that no matter what she's drinking. She wondered, "Hey Brendan, any idea what's gonna be different for the Harvest Festival this year?" I shook my head, "Not sure. Hopefully there's some new things to do, although we didn't get to check out the corn maze last time." May smiled, "Huh. Maybe you could flex that improved sense of direction." I chuckled, "We'll see." We ate our food and then headed out to the fountain to sit and talk for a while. May is one of the most fun people to hang out with in the world. She's always so positive and reassuring. Looking ahead, I can see our team finishing this year with a championship, and maybe a regular season record of like 27-3. Let's not pretend here, no team is perfect. We might lose one more two, but I believe we'll show up when it matters. We have to play Cinnabar tomorrow, And it should be pretty close, they were Kanto's Conference Champions last time. I'm ready.

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