Chapter 64- The Golden Child

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Elio POV

After saying our goodbyes yesterday, Lillie, Selene, and I have arrived back in Pasio, this time, we're all officially students again. (Selene was last time too, but Lillie and I weren't). You know what the best out of all this is... Well... It has its pros and cons. I can push myself around now! Yeah, I'm getting swole, no big deal. Still can't walk a step though. There is 2 days before classes start again, but we're having our first team practice tonight, which I will be attending as a team member! Now you may ask, 'Elio, will you be the captain?' and to that I say, I don't know. That's all up to Brendan, but man, I haven't battled since the coma, I'm so pumped! Primarina has been acting differently recently and I suspect that getting back into this routine should change that back to her normal, upbeat self.

I was near the pool area when I heard an all too familiar voice. "Well would you look at that, the zombie captain. Had to see it with my own eyes." Paulo stood leaned up against the entrance to the locker rooms that led to the pool. I looked up at him, "Yep. Heard you're going to Mauville. Gonna captain there." He clicked his tongue, "Yep. I'll finally be able to show what I'm capable of without other people holding me back." He focused on something behind me and began to make a hmm noise, I looked back and saw Lillie approaching me, but looking concerned as she saw Paulo and I. He looked at me, "Hum. It's a shame. She has to suffer with you as her boyfriend. You ain't much for one." I felt a twinge of anger at that statement, but I have a large amount of self-control after dealing with Rich for two years (Outside of flipping him off). Lillie stood by me and patted my back. Paulo walked forward, "Welp. It's my last day here. I'm going to Mauville tomorrow to lead that team to its second straight championship. So before I go, I have two things I want to settle." He walked up to Lillie, "Hey Lillie. You're beautiful, and you're essentially single at the moment, how would you like to go out on a date?" Lillie raised one of her eyebrows, "You joking?" He shrugged, "No. I'd like to treat you right." I felt my blood absolutely boiling. I wanted to do something but I kept silent for now. Lillie looked at him, "Sorry Paulo. I love Elio, and that's who I want to be with. I'm sure you'll find someone at Mauville." He scoffed, "Your loss then. Now Elio, I'd like to battle you. 1 on 1. Mono e Mono. If you're not a wuss, you'll meet me at the bridge overlooking the lake tomorrow at 6 PM. I will soundly defeat you, and then I will be on my way." I looked at Lillie, who looked very distraught, and I thought my options through before answering, "Nah. No way." He chuckled, "Yeah. Scared, as I figured. You're no captain. You've never been. This team is worthless." I heard from behind me again, "Will you give it a rest?" It was the light voice of my physical therapist, and teammate Lyra. She stood with her hands on her hips, "Can't you see he's got enough on his plate right now? He doesn't have anything to prove to you." Paulo chuckled, "Oh it was never about that. What I have here..." He took out his phone, "...Is the phone numbers of quite a few people who owe me favors around these parts. They have nothing better to do right now. If you don't meet me tomorrow, I will pay them, and they will harass you Elio, all year, and since she declined my offer, they will harass your precious Lillie too. You will be pushed to the point where you will basically have to leave. You show tomorrow, and we trade moves, I will smash this phone on the cold hard ice under the bridge. If not? There will be quite a few bruises and embarrassments in both your futures. Oh. And I'm sure I can include Miss Selene in this too..." I wheeled myself closer to him, I haven't had this much rage in me since Rich. I looked up to him, "Then I accept your challenge." Lyra and Lillie stood behind me as Paulo chuckled and leaned closer to me, "I knew you'd see it my way. Tomorrow. 6 PM." Lillie angrily said to Paulo as he left, "You're despicable!" He turned back as he continued to move away, "Despicable huh? It's a shame Lillie. I really do like you. But that kind of reasoning doesnt work. Am I evil for standing up for myself against the people who have been blocking my dreams for so long? They say a Pokemon battle is the best way to prove your convictions, maybe when I destroy your precious little boyfriend here tomorrow you'll see it my way, and you can be my girlfriend." Lillie flushed with anger and looked at Lyra as Paulo disappeared from our sight, "I can't stand him!" I wheeled myself in to the locker room and changed in to my swim trunks, I've got some things to think about...

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