Chapter 59- Finals Week in Pasio

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Brendan POV

The cold air stung my lungs as I yelled out in pure glee. We won a conference match! We beat Melemele Regional and brought our record up to 9-6. While we dropped a game to Cinnabar recently, it'll probably end up helping us more than hurting us. Elio and I are gonna take a good long look at that match and make adjustments so we won't do that again. The team ran out to meet me in the center of the field as the crowd roared for us. We all took a bow and headed back to the locker room.

Those of us left were sitting around in the locker room, some of the team went off back home already. It's finals week, and almost everyone has theirs tomorrow. Mine are later in the week, thankfully, because to tell you the truth, I haven't studied much. I looked at May who was twiddling her thumbs. "you study for your finals at all?" She nodded, "Yes? Are you implying that you haven't?" I scratched the back of my head, "Decline to answer." She sighed, "Brendan I don't know how you make it through." I shrugged, "Being a gym leader is a lot more about practice than theory." May chuckled, "Still. If you get a low GPA you might burn alive in a fire type gym in some obscure island region." I heard faintly from Selene across the room, "Watch your tone about us island regions!" We shared a laugh about that. That reminds me, maybe Elio could help me study, he was a solid B student so maybe he can help. Or at least enlist Lillie who probably has a 4.0. I yelled over to Elio, "Hey! Want to study tomorrow?" He looked at me, "Probably won't know the first thing but sure. I'll try to get over after PT if Lillie is kind enough to take me." I replied, "Don't worry about it, I'll pick you up." Dawn walked out while saying "Shoot! I got a final tomorrow I forgot about! Gotta go!" She zipped out very quickly and it was just a handful of us who soon left.

I pushed Elio while walking back with May, and Lillie who had just joined us. I asked Elio honestly, "Hey Elio, I don't mean to be all serious and everything but... What's it like? To wake up and be missing months of your life, and not being able to do things you used to?" He turned back to me, "Well so far it's not as bad as I thought. Being too weak to push myself around means I get to have Lillie around at all times, though it does make me feel bad that people have to do this for me. As for the months thing. It's weird. It's exactly like that feeling where you accidentally skip ahead a few episodes in a show, and you don't realize how much is different until you've been watching for a while. Unfortunately I can only fill in the gaps by asking all of you guys." May groaned, "Goodness. I can barely keep up with things as they happen. How've you been Lillie? You feel kinda the same minus the whole- y'know- limbs thing." Lillie looked to the side while talking, "I wouldn't say that. Selene kept me in the loop really well, but I'm the same that it's nice to spend more time with Elio." May looked at her, "That's sweet, plus you can leave him stranded any time he annoys you!" Elio's eyes widened jokingly, "Don't tell her that!" I stopped pushing him for a moment, "Oh- well in that case..." We all laughed, but honestly I find it hard to believe that Elio is taking it this well. Sure the lovely and peachy part about Lillie is probably true, but I doubt such an active guy really feels that comfortable in this new predicament.

We got back to our room and went to sleep for the night. Long day tomorrow. For pretty much everyone.

Dawn POV

I woke up after a long and restful sleep- JUST KIDDING. I haven't slept. At all. I studied for 8 hours... On and off I guess.
I've got almost no energy left now, it's 7:50 in the morning and it's test time. I stumbled out of the apartment and found Lucas outside. I peered at him, "What are you doing outside of my apartment at 7 in the morning?" He handed me a donut and a coffee, "You told me you had been up all night. So I got you some sugar and caffeine to make you a slightly more energetic zombie." I sighed, "Did I tell you that?" He nodded confused, "Yes. You texted me. Are you ok?" I shook my head, "Not in the slightest. I'm gonna ace this final though don't uh... Don't worry about it." He sighed, "Sure." I teetered off towards the testing place. Hopefully I'll remember all that stuff I just studied.

Elio POV

"Come on! Old captain's got to have more left in him than that?" Lyra taunted me as I visibly struggle with the weights. I yelled and pushed myself past my limit, it was exhausting. Everything except my head was burning up and will definitely be sore tomorrow. I groaned in defeat and dropped the weights in the water. Lyra marked her clipboard, "Alright! That was good. You got 2 more reps than yesterday. Keep this up and you'll be in... Well you might be able to push yourself around in a month or so." I rested my hands on the edge of the pool and looked up at her, "And to walk?" Lyra chuckled, "You want to try?" I perked up, "You think I can?" Her eyes widened, "Heck no." I groaned, "Fair enough." I felt a pat on my back, it was Lillie who had been swimming around me for a while. She smiled at me, "You ready to get out?" I nodded, she exited the pool and helped Lyra lift me out, then grabbed my legs while Lyra grabbed my back and hoisted me on to my chair. I smiled, "Thanks both of you." Lyra smiled, "Anytime. Same time tomorrow." She said as she exited.

I looked to Lillie, "What're your plans for today? I'm assuming you're helping someone study, you're always in high demand for that." She began to walk towards the locker room to change out of her swimsuit, "Yeah. Selene and I are gonna be studying." She reappeared minutes later in her 'Z-form' and looked at me, "Isn't Brendan going to pick you up?" I shrugged, "Hope so!" Brendan walked in the exact second I said it, "Reeelax. I'm here." I chuckled, "Bout dang time." He walked behind me and began to push, "Speak like that again and I'm pushing you straight in to the ocean." I laughed, "Man I don't get to have any fun do I?" I sort of twinged after saying it. I kind of don't. But... It's fine. I've got Lillie. I've got Primarina. I've got my friends. I can rely on those things, but I guess I'm living on just hope. If I can't ever walk again... I don't know what I'll do. I mean, I guess it doesn't mean I can't be a great trainer still, there have been a ton of great trainers who were in wheelchairs. I don't know if I could be one of them.
It's kinda scary. I don't know how strong I can get. I know Lyra's noticed some improvement but how far can I really take it, and even if I get back to it, will Primarina be the same?

Brendan helped me and pushed me back to our room where I transitioned to the bed. He looked at me, "Y'know I can tell you ain't all perfect with this. You can fool a lot of people with that, but not me. Nobody in your situation could make it through without some kind of thoughts eating away at you. You'll get through though. You always do." I scratched my head, "Thanks Brendan. Goodness knows I'm trying my best."

Lyra POV

Finals are finally done! I'm really glad I'm getting to help Elio and complete my clinical at the same time. He's a good dude, can be a little dramatic at times but he captured the hearts of this team for a reason. This whole week blew by, which is good because I think I aced my finals. As for the rest of the team... They're not as confident as I am, well minus Brendan, Dawn, Hilda probably... Anyway I like to think I'm not overconfident but I've always bet on myself, and I like to think that helps me to be successful. Gonna enjoy a long holiday back in Johto before coming back in January...Oh! I almost forgot, I'm going to Alola for Calem's wedding in 12 days. That'll be a fun time. Supposedly it's pretty extravagant. I think I would have mine somewhere really secluded, like a farm or something... Gah I sound like such a nerd. Anyway, I suppose that's the next significant event in my life. It'll be nice to see everyone, but I'm also excited to spend the holidays with my family, and Ethan and Kris. That'll be a good time.

The next day I walked to the pool and saw Elio already there treading water. I chuckled, "Motivated?" He shook his head, "Not at all, but that's why-" I raised my hands, "Alrighty, I know you miss your Captain's speeches, but I gotta get you started the right way here." He chuckled, "Hah. Sorry." I giggled, "Geez I was just kidding, I'm not that mean to you and I?" Elio's eyes relaxed, "Heh. No you were just echoing my own thoughts." We both laughed. Lillie swam over to him, "Hey, I'll be staying with you and Celeste again over this break if that's fine with you." Elio smiled, "Can't think of anything better." Lillie kissed him on the cheek and swam another lap shortly after. I coughed and then explained, "Anyway, so what you want to be doing..."

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