Chapter 14- No Rest for the Weary

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Calem POV

I talked to Serena for a long time about the fun time she had at the Harvest Festival. I was really glad to hear that she was feeling a little better from her sickness. It is always super refreshing to be reminded of why I get up in the morning every day, soon enough, I'll be able to be with her... I rolled myself out of bed and stretched widely, what's on the docket for today? Practice, help Dusty, learn more snarky responses to give the rest of the team, possibly apologize to Skyla for not making her job easier.

After getting dressed, I made my way down to the practice facility, I pushed through the door and walked in to the practice field, where I waited for the rest of the team to get here. They did eventually, an average of 5 minutes late. I raised an eyebrow as I watched them all gather, just then, Dusty, who had been here for a while came to my side. I greeted him and he returned the greeting, I turned to the group of stubborn veterans and Austin chuckled, "This part of your grand scheme rook? Get the worst player in the conference to join up with you?" The team all chuckled and I held a smug smile, "Yes. Yes, this is part of my scheme." Austin laughed, "You really have no idea what you're doing do you?" I shrugged and turned around before mumbling to myself, "Look who's keeping score..." Dusty and I walked to my usual practice corner and began work.

I pointed to Dusty, "Ok. Let's get started, I want you to forget everything you think you knew about Pokemon battles, because obviously you've got a snag in it somewhere that's left you where you are now." He tilted his head, "Alright? So what do I do instead?" I pointed, "Listen up and I'll tell you. So everyone in this league, I can tell just by watching, puts way too much stock into firepower and offense. Think of it like a basketball league, but every game is ending at like, 170-160 or something stupid like that." Dusty nodded, "I clasped my hands, so you and I, we got a ton of points last time out, why?" He tilted his head, as I figured, he didn't know, he was just following orders. I pointed, "We played defense. We let them make the mistakes and we capitalized. Now that that is on film though, some teams won't let us, so I'm gonna teach you the ole' Pasio model for turning defense into offense and vice versa." Dusty shook his head, "You actually think your college methods will work in the pros?" I nodded, then muttered, "The Pasio University team of last year would probably win this conference, if not the whole league..."

I spent a long time teaching Dusty About the ins and outs of Pasio style battling, I don't think he has it yet, but we're getting there. I walked outside the arena and immediately Austin walked up next to me. Great. What does he want? I looked over to him, "Yeah?" He looked over to me and questioned me, "Why are you still here?" I shrugged, "Beats me." He raised an eyebrow, "You should have quit by now, you know you're not doing anything right? Just go back to Pasio, they actually like you there." I nodded, "I noticed." He grabbed my shirt collar and pulled shook me, "THEN LEAVE! WE CAN'T STAND YOU!!" I blankly stared at him and brushed his hands of my shoulder before turning around, "Well you'll have to get used to me then." He yelled at me, "Fine! You want your respect!? Fight me for it right now!" I turned back and raised an eyebrow as the rest of the team 'ooh'd at the potential of a fist fight. I chuckled, "You're gonna need better than that to shake me. See you tomorrow." I walked off as Skyla emerged from her room, "STO-... Oh. You didn't end up fighting... Is everything good?" I turned back one last time, "Yep. All good." Austin looked dumbfounded as Skyla confronted him about what happened. I don't really care so I just left for my home.

I made Serena a little care package in hopes that it'll make her feel a bit better. I found a really nice bakery here in town, not like the ones at home in Kalos, but they're different in a cool way. I got her some bread, donuts, and some frosted cookies as well so she'll always have something sweet to eat (and not leave her room to go get something to eat). I attached a note as well. I finished wrapping it up, then went to the post office to send it out. I walked outside, it's dark now, it'll probably be about time to go to bed when I get back already.

I was on the road there when I heard a familiar naturally bubbly voice, "Calem!" I looked in the direction of the noise and saw Skyla jogging over to me.
I looked over, "Hey Skyla. Sorry about all that earlier." Skyla collected her breath and then began, "Oh not at all, that was awesome leadership from you. Even if they don't see it that way." I chuckled, "It sucks that they want me out of here so bad, but there are certainly some interesting personalities on the team." Skyla sighed, "That's one way to put it." I shrugged, "At least Dusty's nice." She nodded, "Yeah, he's a shy kid, but he is pretty nice once he gets to know you. Shame he probably won't be around the league much longer..." I shook my head, "If he keeps working with me, I guarantee you he will." Skyla perked up, "What? He works with you?" I nodded, "Yes. I'm teaching him my new system, so you'll get to see firsthand the results it can produce." Skyla smiled widely, "Wow! Thank you so much for staying dedicated."

I looked up, "Nah. I should say I'm sorry. I was on track to not give you anywhere close to my all this season. I got a pep talk from my friend Elio the other night and I realized how selfish I was." Skyla shook her head, "You know as well as I do the team won't accept you. There's nothing you can do about it..." I looked at her, "Maybe. Maybe not. Either way I want to be transparent with you... I'm thinking about going back to Pasio." Skyla's eyes lost their color and I could see her heart sink, "I-... Oh... Well... If that's what you want to do I can't stop you..." I looked at her, I smiled, "Hey, but the deal was I'm going to give it everything I've got here before I do that, and if things work out well then I'll stay. Plus, if I go back to Pasio I'll come back here when I graduate. Even if I have to play for free for a year." Skyla smiled and looked back at me, "Y-you mean it?" I nodded, looking up at the usual starry Mistralton sky, "Yes. I'm going to give it my all, and whether I succeed or crash and burn horribly, it's gonna be something to see." Skyla giggled, "Well I hope for the former. Doesn't matter what the results are, I know you're the future of this league." We said our goodbyes and left for our homes.

The Mistralton Aviators are 0-4 right now. I've done alright in every game, but I can do better. I will do better. Serena's counting on me. Elio's counting on me. But I can't forget, I'm counting on me too.

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