Chapter 37- A Fatal Blow

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Calem POV

That rainstorm was horrible. I decided to take shelter in a local malasada shop to wait it out, owner said he hasn't seen rain like this in Alola in years. I munched on my sweet malasada, which I would say is my favorite one, and then checked the bag to make sure I left some for Serena. I did. I peered outside the shop window and made sure the coast was clear. I stood up and waved to the owner, "I'm gonna head out, you have a good day!" He nodded, "You too- hey, by the way, you aren't Calem are you?" I smiled, "That's me!" He sighed, "Hate to ask this of you, but could you sign the wall? I try to have all the famous customers sign the wall, gets a nice collection y'know." I took out my marker from my pocket and signed the wall for him, I pointed back, "Sure. Stay dry man." He smiled, "You too Calem. Thanks!" I walked outside and walked to the pier. I waited for the Pasio boat to arrive and meet my friends. Hope they made it through the storm alright... Looked pretty nasty. I saw it on the horizon and ran to the end of the pier to meet them sooner. I was puzzled by seeing May and her Swampert jet out ahead at blistering speed, she was with Brendan and... It looks like someone else laying across them. Might be sleeping or something. I waved to them happily as they got really close, Swampert jumped on to the pier and May and Brendan disembarked, I noticed Elio was in their arms. Not moving. I tilted my head as they began to run, I spoke, "Hey g-" Brendan yelled back, "Sorry Calem! It's life or death!" They bolted off in the direction of Downtown Hau'Oli. I stood at the peer and now I was worried, is Elio ok? Did something happen to him? I waited rather impatiently for about 4 minutes when the boat docked, I walked on board, "Hey, is everything ok?" Lyra greeted me solemnly, "Hey Calem... Elio is... Well he's.... dying right now." My heart sunk to the floor and I tried to rationalize what I just heard. My friend? Only a 20 year old guy? Dying?

I looked at her, "What-... What did you say?" Lyra sniffled and turned her head away as her voice began to break, "I- I don't want to repeat it again." I wandered forward in to the boat and looked for Serena. I don't know what else to do right now. I found her on the floor of the boat, trying to console Lillie who was sitting curled up and crying desperately. I looked to Serena, who met my gaze with misty eyes, and endless amounts of pain behind them. Hilda and Hilbert were sitting together in silence, and I saw Dawn standing back on the bow, looking over the railing. I walked up next to her, "Dawn?... Are you alright?" She was in shock, very obviously still shaken from whatever just happened but I figured I'd ask. Dawn looked over to me, her face was very distraught, it was red, probably from holding back tears. Which is not like Dawn at all, she doesn't cry. She shook her head, "Hey Calem..." I leaned over the railing next to her, I spoke to her, "Dawn, I know how strong you are. So if I could ask anyone what's happening and how I could help, I figured it'd be you." Dawn continued to stare forward, I don't know if she's all there right now. She began shakily, "I... A Kyogre... It attacked our boat, and it would've destroyed it if Elio hadn't jumped in front of it's Origin Pulse. I don't know how it didn't put a hole in his chest... But Calem... I don't like his chances." She put her head down on the railing and stared down in silence. Elio... He laid his life down for his team. I moved away from Dawn and went to Serena, "Serena... Where are they taking him?" She said, "Hau'Oli General Hospital. It's the closest one." I stood up, "I'll go get his Mom. She might need to be there for her son. That's what I would want anyway." Lillie looked up, "I'm going too... I want to be with him." Serena stood up with Lillie and they both walked with me. As we exited the pier, a noticed a familiar red beanie on top of short black hair, belonging to Selene who was sitting on a bench where people would sometimes fish off of.

I looked at Lillie and Serena, "You two go on ahead. I'll catch up." Serena nodded and walked with Lillie in the direction of Elio's house. I sat down by Selene. I know a lot about Selene, I knew her well as she rose through the ranks last year and joined the team during Brendan and Elio's suspensions. All I can do is hope to comfort her about her brother a little bit, though I can't say I myself am close to over it either though. She was similar to Dawn in that she was just staring blankly at the ocean. I looked at her, "... I'm sorry." Selene continued to stare forward, "It's just so typical isn't it?" I was shocked by that, "What? What do you mean?" She sighed, "Nothing to do with you. Everyone I grow close to gets ripped away from me, My Mom, My Dad for a short time, and now my brother. Sometimes I wonder if I should even bother." That's horrible, she's not in good shape. I put my head down, "Selene, bad things happen to good people. I'll never know why. But-" Selene stood up and walked away while saying, "Then I must be a saint or something to get this type of treatment!" She stormed off and I continued to sit down, can't say that's what I expected from her, but I can't say I'm super surprised either. I stood up and jogged to catch up with Serena and Lillie. I think Selene might just need some time to grieve.

It was silent and it felt like an eternity. Walking from Hau'Oli to the outskirts takes a little while. We got to the house and went to tell Elio's mom the news.

Brendan POV

I ran through the hospital doors and yelled to the front desk, "Please tell me the ER is ready! He's dying!" The nurse got up and ran to get it ready, yelling back, "We'll do what we can! I'll get the doctor!" I kept Elio on my shoulder, come on.... Don't be dead. Don't be dead please. Moments later, the medical staff came in and got Elio situated in a hospital bed and began to work. They shut May and me out and we were left in the hallway. May sat next to me and gripped my shoulder, putting her head on my chest. I held her head close to me, she mumbled, "This has been a nightmare day." I nodded, "It has." Just then, Calem, Serena, Lillie, and Elio's Mom arrived. Lots of faces were red from crying I guess. I looked up as Calem walked over, "Is he..." I shrugged, "I don't know." I stared forward as I heard the noises inside the operating room. May looked up and looked at Lillie, she walked over and hugged her tight. Lillie wasn't very operable right now. I can imagine. If I lost May... Elio's mom sat by me, "... Do they really not know anything?" I shook my head, "No ma'am... I'm sorry..." This is all my fault. If I had just been stronger... Elio's mom looked at me, "Whatever happens... Thank you Brendan. You are a great friend of his, he always treasured your bond." I hung my head, "Means the world..."

About half an hour later a nurse came out of the room. She looked at all of us gathered here, she sighed, "Alright... He's alive..." Lillie and Elio's mom both nearly collapsed with relief. The nurse looked concerned, "... But only for now... He's gone in to a coma." Lillie looked at her, "A- a coma?" The nurse nodded, Elio's mom looked up at her, "For... How long?" She shook her head, "We don't know. He might never wake up, if he survives, he might wake up at the earliest in a few months." Lillie looked down, then looked up at the nurse, "Can we... Can we see him?" The nurse nodded. We all followed her to a room, like any other hospital room, it was white, very sterile looking, had a heart monitor and IV system if necessary. Elio was tucked in the bed, eyes closed. He looked... Peaceful. Which is very contrary to what he must be actually feeling at the moment. Lillie knelt by him and took his hand in hers. She sat in a chair next to the bed and looked at him saying, "Elio. I don't know if you can hear me... But please, stay strong for me. You were so brave... I'll be with you Elio. I'll never leave you, and I believe in you." She broke down and began to cry again, not as inconsolably, but she buried her face in the bed while still holding his hand. Elio's Mom sat down by him on the other side. She smiled, "My son. You are everything you dreamed you would be. Thank you for being brave, and keeping your sister, your girlfriend, and all your wonderful friends safe. I know you can make it through." She smiled softly, it's a mother's smile. It is full of pride, and also an overwhelming sadness. I walked forward, "You got this Elio. Thank you for everything." I turned and walked out.

May followed me out and I looked at her, "I don't know what to do. This isn't a nightmare is it?" May shook her head, "No. Trust me I've tried everything. It's real." I saw Selene approaching the hospital, she saw us, but didn't say a word and walked inside. She's not ok. I wouldn't expect her to be though. May looked at me, "... Are we still going to have to play today?" I shrugged, "I don't care. I don't want to. There's... It just doesn't matter." I walked forward and May followed, "I know. This doesn't mean a thing to me at the moment. I'm just... Life is too short. Brendan. I know I've told you before, but I love you so much. I want you to know that everyday." I turned back and hugged her, "I love you too May."

Dawn POV

I don't know what to do. Elio was... He was a mentor to me. He saw to it personally that i was my best, and he was a great leader. What... What do we even do now? I suppose I'll go to the match... I don't want to play though. But getting my mind off things would help. I walked to the stadium and was mobbed by media members as I tried to get to the stadium. They all pressed questions, "Dawn, where is Elio?" "Dawn, where's the team?" "Dawn, is something wrong with-" my emotions finally snapped and I yelled, "Leave me alone! Can't you see I'm busy!?" They all stopped and I moved forward. I sat in the locker room. The team was all here. Brendan looked up, he is acting captain at the moment as we understand it. He looked up at me, then looked down. I sat down. The thick silence had a strangle hold on the locker room. This game seems so insignificant in the face of what just happened.

It's easy to say, "Wouldn't Elio want you guys to win?". I don't know. Why don't you ask him?... Sorry... It's a lot to deal with right now. All there is to do now is go out there and put on a brave face. We obviously have the talent to win, but I don't know if anyone here can put up their best effort.

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