Chapter 62- Christmas Break

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Lillie POV

"Huh. I'm gonna make him a king." I said moving my black checker in to Elio's side of the board. He ran his hand through his hair and muttered, "Dang." Celeste walked in and saw us playing the very strategic game that is checkers. She chuckled, "Are you guys playing checkers?" Selene said in a very matter of fact way said to Celeste, "Mama Elio sucks at checkers." She laughed, "I know." Elio Jokingly slammed his head on the desk and drew laughs from everybody. He flipped his hair and looked over, "Man. Oh! I still need to do PT today. Any of you guys willing to carry me down to the beach... And maybe make sure I don't drown?" Lillie groaned and stood up, "Sure. I'll change real quick and then head down with ya. Selene, you mind helping me carry him?" Selene nodded, "Sure thing."

Selene and I carried Elio down to the beach and helped him wade out to deep enough water to tread water. I steadied him with my arms in the water behind him to make sure he doesn't sink. He treaded water and was careful not to kick me, he said to me, "Thanks so much Lillie!" I smiled, "Any time! You feel any stronger?" He sighed, "Hard to tell. I can do this for longer though so that's something." I encouraged him, "Good! I think just a few more days of arms and you'll be able to push yourself around!" He grimaced, "Gonna try. You want me to make some dinner tonight? I've been wanting to cook for a while." I was shocked, "You cook?" He smiled, "A little bit. I learned from Mama. She said girlfriends like it when their boyfriends can cook." I giggled, "Well she was right. What can you make?" Elio laughed, "You'll see. No spoilers." I rested my head on the back of his back, "This is fun. We should do this everyday." He chuckled, "Got some good news for you..."

We were sitting around the dinner table while Elio was making stuff. I looked over to him and smelled the red sauce he made for some pasta. I tilted my head, "Celeste- you taught him how to make red sauce?" She smiled, "Yeah. You two always ate at pasta places together so he practically begged me." He looked back, "I have something else too! I taught myself how to make some dessert too! That was just online though." Celeste chuckled, "Maybe I shouldn't make fun of you so often." He shook his head, "Uhuh." Selene pointed, "I'm not impressed until we get to taste it. For all I know you're just guessing." He wheeled himself out of the way, "Well it's done. Pasta is also up here so come get some." Just then the door opened and there were Hau and Gladion. Hau waved, "Hey guys!" I ran over to Gladion and hugged him, "Gladion!!" He hugged me back, "Been a little while sis." I chuckled, "It's Christmas in 2 days, are you staying in the area to celebrate with us?" He nodded, "Yeah." I was delighted, Selene waved him over to go sit by her. Hau smiled at me, "Wow Lillie! I haven't seen you in forever! How've you been?" I smiled, "Good! Well, minus a few rather stressful things here and there..." Elio chuckled, "I wonder what you're talking about..." I smiled back, "Oh nothing, love, just in general." Hau walked over and sat down by Elio. We all began to eat, and I gotta say, he did quite the job with this. He wasn't lying. Brownies were quite good too. I looked at Elio, "Hm... You might have to get used to this." He smiled, "Good! It's really fun." Gladion leaned back, "You think everything is fun. You too Hau." Hau raised his hands, "Woah. No need to call me out man I'm just trying to enjoy the food." I pointed at Gladion, "Yeah. When was the last time you had fun?" Selene chuckled, "I don't think he ever has. I was surprised to find out he has the capacity for love." Gladion shook his head, "I need to learn to keep my mouth shut." Selene patted him on the back, "You'll learn."

We enjoyed a really nice meal. It's so nice to spend time with this little Alolan family of ours. This should be a fun Christmas.

Calem POV

Serena and I just got to our little cottage in Lental last night. So we're ready to spend our first day here. I stretched as I stood up and Serena blinked her eyes sleepily. "Morning Calem. It looks like a beautiful day out." I smiled, "Yes it does! So what's on the docket?" Serena groaned and rubbed her forehead, "First I gotta clear the cobwebs. That was a good sleep." I smiled, "Cool! I've heard the photo tours here are stunning." She began to get dressed in her regular clothes and spoke to me, "Well that sounds like fun." I put on a more outdoors prepared outfit than I usually have and shook myself off. "Ok! I'll go get us set up for that. You got any other plans?" She shook her head, "Not that I can think of."

We arrived at the place where the tours were held, and were met by the person running them named Professor Mirror. He greeted us, "Hey you two! Here for a photo tour?" I affirmed, "Yeah. How's this work?" He pointed over to a vehicle, "This- is a Zero-One. It's an all terrain vehicle that follows that blue track out there, and takes you through all sorts of Pokemon habitats. I nodded slowly, "Cool. So you have some cameras for us I'm guessing?" He nodded and pulled them out. "alright, take as many photos as you want and we'll keep track of them back here, so you can keep them for yourselves!" Serena stepped forward in to the vehicle and smiled, "This feels so futuristic! I love it!" We sat down and looked over the edges of our cart. I took pictures of a bunch of Primarina (Elio would like that) some Pikachu, and some really really cool glowing Meganium (Which Lyra would go crazy for) midway through we were near the water and I looked to Serena, "Having fun?" She nodded, "Yeah! This is so cool! OOO-" I looked over and saw the Wailord rise from the water she mentioned as we both took pictures of it. This is pretty insane. She laughed, "This is the coolest thing I've ever done!" I smiled, "Glad you're enjoying it."

We got our pictures and headed back to the hotel where we enjoyed a very fancy room service meal. Serena began to hum and then asked me, "Hey hubby?" I looked at her, "...yes?" She giggled, "Just wanted to see if you'd respond to that, now that is what I'm calling you." I sighed, "Whatever makes you happy Serena." She was very obviously enjoying herself. She thoughtfully asked next, "So, what's on the docket for tomorrow?" I laid down, "Sleep. Lots of sleep." She snuggled me, "You think so? You're not that boring are you?" I groaned, "You're gonna be pushing me around everywhere tomorrow then?" She replied quickly, "Yes." I smiled to myself. Gonna be quite the honeymoon.

Christmas Day

Elio POV

Lillie was pushing me as we went on a stroll together up Route 1. We had done our gift exchange with our family earlier and it was a fine time. Gladion even laughed so you know it was good. She pushed me to a place where we could look over at the ocean (thankfully behind the safety of a guard fence) and sat down by me. I looked to my side and slightly down at her, "Hey. You know, my favorite day used to be my birthday, but it's Christmas now." She giggled, "That's a fun fact. Mine's always been... Well I suppose I never had a favorite day. After Dad left and Mom went crazy for a bit I never really had a fun Christmas. Until I went to Pasio. 2 years ago was the best Christmas ever." I smiled and leaned in towards her, "Yeah. I agree." We shared a kiss just like we did 2 years ago for the first time. I separated and sighed as I rested my arms and head on the guard fence ahead, "Where I'd be without you Lillie... I don't ever want to know. Thank you so much. I... I know I'm not a good boyfriend right now, and maybe I've never been, but I love you Lillie, I really do." She looked up at me, "I know you do. And I love you just as much. You're a wonderful boyfriend Elio, and I feel lucky to have you. Merry Christmas." I smiled back while looking at her, "Merry Christmas love."

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