Chapter 43- Season 2

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Calem POV

"With the 19th pick in this year's Professional draft, the Mistralton Aviators select... Ricard and Flygon from Hammerlocke University!" I was watching the draft right before Serena's plane gets here on my phone, I looked up, Ricard huh... I remembered watching Pasio dismantle them this year, but he did look pretty good anyway. I'm sure if he falls with me he'll do fine. Yeah the rest of the team still doesn't like me if you haven't gathered that. We were on an accord for one game, but that's over now. I'll have to convince them again this year. Yes this is testing my patience. I pocketed my phone after checking the time, it's 1:00, she should be here any moment...

Minutes later I saw a plane descend from the skies and land on an airstrip further from where I was sitting. I stood up and readied the flowers I had purchased her. I saw people begin to exit the plane and I saw Serena dressed in her usual black shirt and red skirt. She looked around before noticing me and running over to me. I ran to her and we hugged when we met. I lifted her up and then put her back down, she was smiling so happily. She looked at me, "This is it huh! We're really about to do this?" I smiled, "Yes! Thank you so much for staying by my side through all this time apart." I remembered the flowers and handed them to her, she accepted them, "Thanks! Uh... You could've left those at home, I mean... I'll just put them in a vase.... In the house..." I scratched the back of my head, "Oh. Yeah probably." We both laughed as we headed back.

I swung the door open to the house, and Serena gasped. In the time between visits I had done so much decorating. Right where we enter there's a picture of me putting the ring on her finger at our engagement, and there are so many other pictures and new furnitures that weren't here before. I scratched my head as Serena was talking about how much she liked it, I smiled, "Ah. That's not even the best part. I got something completely new to show you." She looked confused, "What's that?" I led her by the hand to the new room I had prepared for her near the living room, it had been a spare room, but I decided to do something with it, and I think she'll love it. Serena looked at it, "Well you're right, I haven't seen this door before. What's in it?" I opened it and she was stunned. Inside I had gotten her a little music studio complete with instruments, microphones, padded walls and whatever else she might need. She hugged me and yelled while being muffled by the tight hug, "This is amazing!! Thank you so much!" I separated from her and smiled, "Glad you like it! I was hoping that would mean you'd get to practice and what not from the comfort of home... So I can see you more often when I'm home." Serena sighed, "It's gonna be busy for both of us to be sure... But I'm so excited!" I smiled, "Now then, if you want to start unpacking all your things in our room upstairs, I can get started on some dinner for us." She smiled, "Sounds wonderful! What are you making?" I chuckled, "I'm thinking just some pasta for tonight..."

Lillie POV

I tapped the desk at the pokemart as I waited for my shift to end once again. Nurse Joy and I had become good friends with her during my time here since it hasn't been all that busy recently. A while ago, Elio was able to mumble a little bit, and that was the most hope we've had for him in a while... Celeste was absolutely thrilled about it. I pulled out a picture of us From my wallet that we took in the photo booth after the spring party. I smiled, he looks so happy. I do too. Nurse Joy approached me, "Hey Lillie. Almost quitting time. You got any plans for tonight?" I shrugged, "Not really, just going to the hospital as usual and then getting some sleep. I'll probably do some reading too... How about you?" Nurse Joy sighed, "I don't really know. I gotta find some new hobbies, I've about exhausted all my old ones." I asked her, "You ever been to Mallow's restaurant in Akala?" She shook her head and I pointed, "Go do that. It's worth it. Anyway... I'm gonna head out before visiting hours end... I'll see ya." She waved Goodbye and I made my short walk to the hospital.

I entered the room and saw a doctor examining Elio, still comatose. She looked at me and smiled, "Hello Lillie! Nothing new today so far... Brain patterns are as usual just showing him in that midpoint." I sat down, "I figured." The doctor sat by me, "he's fighting hard to live. I didn't like his chances at all when he was here for the first month, but if that hasn't killed him I don't know if anything can..." I chuckled, "That's the Elio I know. No quit." The doctor sighed, "I do have some bad news for you though- nothing too serious." I tilted my head, "What's that?" She began, "Well, he's been under for so long I think, should he somehow pull through, he might not remember some things, he might not know how to walk... And he could be completely different." I looked down, "Is that likely...?" The doctor thoughtfully replied, "Lillie you've been here for months so I think you deserve the honest truth, if I had to scale it, I think he has a 60 percent chance of not making it, 30 percent to make it with a horrible side effect of some kind, and I'd give it about 10 for a miraculous recovery." I shook my head, "Thanks for being honest... As grim as that sounds..." I held his hand, and whispered to him after the doctor left, "Come on Elio... Keep fighting... I'll wait as long as I have to..."

Selene POV

Brendan looked so much happier today, it's good to see that. I guess I had assumed that Lillie and I would be the only ones who were still taking it all hard, but my brother meant a lot to a lot of people... Wonder if I'm the same?
Sorry. Don't mean to make everything about me, as you know I've been kinda messed up recently. Being alone is kinda hard. Gladions far away, Lillie's not here, and of course my brother isn't alive. I wish I could say I have any motivation to be here, but I don't. I love studying Pokemon, don't get me wrong, it's just exhausting. I walked in to the apartment that used to be full of people, but is now just me, Dawn, and May. I got back and tucked myself in to bed. I'm tired and classes start tomorrow. I'm gonna need all the energy I can get to make it through. Dawn walked in and saw me, "Hey Selene. Summer break ok?" I nodded, "Yeah. I had a nice time with Mamma and Lillie." She smiled, "That's good. Hey, if you need anything, I'm here for you. Trust me, I can tell how beat up you are about this and I am too. Your brother was a mentor to me, really made me see my full potential. I'm still struggling to recover some days too." I smiled, "Means a lot Dawn. Thank you." She nodded, "We got your back Selene. Let's get this done." She turned the lights off and then went off to sleep.

Calem POV

Wow! I feel so rested! Serena and I slept in the same bed for the first time last night, and it's so comforting to have someone you love with you at all times. I woke up and looked at her, she's still asleep, I'll let her sleep, but I have to get to the first practice of the year. I got dressed in my jersey and everything and began to head out. I successfully escaped without waking her, though her loose Fennekin came close to doing so before choosing peace and snuggling with her. I snuck out the door and made the walk to the practice facility.

I got there early as usual, but even earlier than me was Ricard, the new guy. I looked at him, "Hey man, I'm Calem. Nice to meet ya." I extended my hand for a handshake, this'll be the moment of truth I think. He smiled and accepted, "Nice to meet you! I'm Ricard. Big fan of what you're doing here." I was taken aback, "Oh- thank you. Gotta admit, I'm not used to that one." He tilted his head, "Whaddya mean?" I chuckled, "You'll see in a little bit. Uh... When practice starts, stick by a guy with a spiritomb, guy's name is Dusty, he'll show you what to do." He nodded, "Alright. Whatever you say." The rest of the team entered and I clasped my hands, "Alright everyone, welcome back! We had a great ending to last year so I look forward to continuing it this year. I have a gameplan for us to start, we'll be up against Anville to start our season so we can win that one. So let's talk about-" they all dispersed and began to practice in their usual group. I motioned to Dusty who took Ricard with him. We gathered on our side of the field and Ricard turned around and looked at the rest of the team, "What are they doing?" Dusty put his hand on his shoulder, "They're a bunch of a-...ahem... They don't like to listen to Calem because they don't think he deserves to be captain." Ricard scratched his head, "But it doesn't matter that much who's Captain at the end of the day..." Me and Dusty answered in sync, "Right?" He shrugged, "Well I'll be sticking with you then. I've seen what you can do and I think you'll help me." I looked up, I owe Skyla a box of chocolates or something for this pick. Somebody humble, ready to work, and follows me? Perfect.

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