Chapter 27- Mettle Detector

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Elio POV

Game day. Once again. Today we follow up our recent defeat with a tough test against Hammerlocke, who were a top seed in the tournament last year, and we'll have to go to Galar for it. I'm anxious for today, because I've made some big changes in practice with the team recently and I'm ready to show them. I checked the roster sheet over again. Me, Brendan, Dawn, Victor, Ethan, and Rosa are my 6 today. Usually I try to give people more rests or more variety in the lineup, but Rosa needs redemption, and I think she's worked hard enough and will get it. I walked out of the room and met Brendan on the way as usual. We discussed the gameplan for a little today before getting to the team boat. Lillie was there waiting for me. I smiled and hugged her. I looked at her, "Why are you here Lil? Is everything ok?" She smiled, "I am! I just wanted to see you off... I had a wonderful date with you a few days ago and I just wanted to give this to you." She handed me a necklace that had Solgaleo's emblem on it." She smiled, "I just wanted to give you something close to my heart, so you could keep it close to yours." I hugged her again, "Thank you Lillie. I love you." She blushed a little, "I love you too Elio. Now go out there and win today." I nodded, "We will."

Moments later Victor approached, "Hey guys. Ready for the trip?" Brendan shrugged, "Not my favorite, but we'll be fine." Victor chuckled, "Yeah. I'm just excited cus Marnie said she'd be at the game today. I haven't seen her since break... which was like a couple weeks but still." Brendan smiled, "Still, good for you man." Victor chuckled, "Yeah. I'm excited... Trust me though, that all comes second to winning today." I joked, "Just because I'm standing here doesn't mean you have to say that." We all laughed and then boarded the boat. Still kind of in the back of my mind that Lillie doesn't want me on the boat. Either way we press forward.

The sun kissed waves rolled over the deep blue ocean and crested around us calmly as we traversed the long route to Galar. My mind is racing, but kind of at ease at the same point. Just kinda waiting to get to go time. I scanned over the necklace that Lillie gave me. I really like it. The emblem on it is the very same that is on the Altar of the Sunne. I suppose my relationship with Alola is complicated, but there's no denying that I love my home. I hope that one day the people there will show that love back. Dawn strolled up to the bow where I was leaning on the railing, "Hey Elio."
I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at her, "Oh hey Dawn, sorry about that I was daydreaming." Dawn looked over the railing, "No it's fine. I just wanted to get some fresh air." I looked at her, "What do you think? Nervous for today?" Dawn shook her head, "No. I think we'll be fine. Hey, I wanted to talk to you about something though." I looked out, "All ears." Dawn signed, "Elio... Why me? Why did you make me a starter?" I raised an eyebrow, "Don't like it? I can understand, the pressure is tough-" Dawn shook her head, "No! I love it... It's just... Ethan, Victor, Paulo, and Hilda... They're better than I am." I reeled, Dawn has never lacked confidence if anything, I thought of the best way to get my point across. "Dawn. Why are they better than you?" Dawn groaned, "I can barely get points. I had one 3 point game, and that was it." I chuckled, "When did I ever ask you to get points?" Dawn looked confused and a little exasperated, "It's part of the job?" I shook my head, "Nah. It's a product of a job well done above and beyond. You're overthinking it. I have you here to fill the role I filled for Calem, which is to be able to adapt on the fly and call shots if necessary. You do an excellent job." Dawn looked down humbly, "Thanks... But you got points all the time doing that. Like 3 and 4 points." I pointed my finger, "Yes that's what I focused on. I sucked at my other job. Calem taught me right before the tournament how to do it right. That's the difference. We might not have a superstar like Calem, but we have less losses than that team because of you." Dawn held her hands close to her heart. "Thank you Elio." I muttered, "I always get thanked for things I don't do."

I stood in the locker room and looked around, "Alright guys, it's bounce back time, it's been a long journey and we didn't come here to lose. Let's make some noise." I gathered them in and gave the 1,2,3 Pasio yell before we locked arms and exited together, Y'know, except Paulo. One day I think I'll get him to do it.

Commentators POV

"Welcome to Hammerlocke, beautiful city in the middle of the spacious Galar region. I'm your host, and I'll be taking you through the action today for two nationally ranked programs as of yesterday's poll." My partner nodded, "Yeah, after Pasio's shocking upset loss to Alola Regional, you would expect them to go down, but that was their first loss. And they only went to number 2, behind Mauville. So yeah, here's the tale of the tape.

#2 Pasio University's First 3
Ethan and Typhlosion
Victor and Inteleon
Rosa and Serperior

#7 Hammerlocke University First 3
Gael and Stojourner
Ricard and Flygon
Travis and Glalie

"And the lineups have taken the field, let's see how this pans out. We are underway! Great coordination from Hammerlocke so far, they're not scared and are pressing Pasio hard. But that's a mistake when there's a slippery Serperior, who gets behind and scores one! 1-0 Pasio!" Rosa and Victor high fived, Ethan went over their next plan and the battle restarted, "And Pasio is capitalizing brilliantly! Rosa is moving Serperior so fluidly, and Ethan will find one! 2-0 Pasio! We've started up again, and Hammerlocke will find Ethan to make it 2-1, and now in comes Dawn just as soon as we get back, Victor finds one! What a great all around showing from Pasio's front 3! Dawn is keeping them in line and just like a brick wall! Hammerlocke can not break it! Rosa finds another and makes it 4-1! This is a shut out and the home crowd is stunned! Dawn is making such good calls! This Pasio is a different beast than what we saw against Alola! FIVE TO ONE! ROSA HAS FOUND A THIRD! The clean up is in! Dawn finds the last one and it's a SIX TO ONE victory for Pasio University's brilliant team. What a showing, you have to think nobody wants to run in to them come tournament time."

Elio POV

I pumped my fist and gave Brendan a chest bump. He ruffled my hair and we laughed. What a showing, I didn't even have to touch the field, against a top ten team in the world. That may have been the most dominant victory in Pasio history against a high level opponent. I ran out to Dawn and high fived her, "C'mon Dawn! What did i tell you!?" She laughed, "You were right! I've found the missing piece to my game thanks to you!" I shrugged, "That's all you. Anyway, good stuff." I walked away and yelled to Rosa, "Rosa! That was huge!" Rosa giggled happily, "Thank you! But it was really all Dawn's calls, they were amazing!" I nodded, "And you delivered. That's why I let you play. You're a monster out there. Keep it up." We all went back to the locker room. What a game.

I packed my things and walked out towards the boat. I had it in the back of my mind that Paulo might be mad about not playing, but I can't care right now. That was the best we've looked, and I'm definitely running this roster in tournament time. Maybe with a few tweaks like someone like May or Hilda or Hilbert, but definitely excited either way.

Victor POV

I have a few hours here before we leave, so I decided to meet up with Marnie. I spotted her luckily walking alone outside the stadium dressed in her usual leather jacket and dress. I ran over and walked beside her, making sure she recognized me first before saying anything, she happily greeted me, "Victor!" She hugged me and I reeled as I wasn't exactly used to her publicly hugging me. I separated from her and asked her, "It's so good to see you Marnie! How have things been?" She shrugged, "I get a little lonely without ya, but I do my best teh keep my spirits up." I smiled, "I'm glad. I've missed you a lot." Marnie nodded, "I'll never get why yeh chose me, but I'll always be grateful." I shook my head, "One of these days you'll realize I'm the lucky one. Anyway, if I remember right from my brief stint in the gym challenge, there's a really good restaurant just around Hammerlocke stadium here." Marnie smiled slightly (quite an improvement! She's been working hard on it!), "you'd be right, and I'd love to sit down and eat with yeh!" I nodded happily and we went in to the restaurant moments later, and had a wonderful dinner. A great cap to a near perfect day."

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