Chapter 63- New Year's Scare

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I sat at the dinner table with Brendan's family on a dimly lit night, but very well lit and cozy dining room. Brendan's mom and dad invited me over (y'know, like, to the house directly next to mine) for dinner tonight. It's quite nice, Brendan's Mom has always been a good cook, so when Dad is out doing field research somewhere else I often came here to eat if I couldn't find any snacks or Mom happened to be away when I was hungry. Brendan's Dad, Norman, looked to me from where he was sitting, "So, Miss May, how has everything been with you two on Pasio?" I took a break from eating the meal and replied, "Oh it's really nice! Brendan's done a great job as captain so it's been a lot of fun to be on the team this year." Brendan's Mom stood up and grabbed herself a drink and asked me, "Oh how exciting! Does your Swampert enjoy it? Also, Moomoo milk?" I nodded, "Yeah, Swampert loves it. He really needed the outlet to burn some energy... Also yes I would like some Moomoo milk." Brendan chuckled, "Hey, we should definitely take a vacation to Alola sometime. Being there for Calem and Serena's wedding was awesome!" Norman shrugged, "We'll consider it, we were talking about maybe going to-" he looked outside, "Hey you hear that?" He was referring to a knock at the door, I stood up, "I got it Mr. Norman." I opened the door and it was my Mom, Mrs. Birch. I looked at her questioningly, "Mom?" She looked panicked, "Guys, you might want to turn on the TV. Norman stood up and turned on the news in the living room, Brendan and I walked out to the living room and watched a news report.

The anchor began, "We're continuing our coverage of the Groudon running wild in Mossdeep. We've asked legendary Pokemon experts such as our own champion Steven Stone and Gym leader of Sootopolis, Wallace, but neither can explain this odd disturbance. Residents are being urged to flee the city until the Draconids are able to request the aid of Rayquaza..." I stood in shock and Brendan looked equally shocked. I buried myself in Brendan's chest as he held my head. This is too terrifying to watch. I mean, a Groudon rampage isn't necessarily new, but in a city like that? This is new. It's continuing this awful trend of legendary Pokemon attacks that have been springing up lately. Norman looked to Brendan, "First the Kyogre and you guys and now this... What is happening?" Brendan looked up from me, "I don't know. I want to go help-" Brendan's Mom shook her head, "Absolutely not!" I removed myself from Brendan and faced him, "What she said. Rayquaza will handle it."

About 30 minutes later Rayquaza descended from the skies and was able to defeat the rampaging Groudon. The Hoenn region and the world breathed a collective sigh of relief. I looked to Brendan, "Thank goodness that's over. I was so worried..." He nodded, "There has to be something happening with this. There's no way." Norman sighed, "There are some evil people out there kids... Goodness knows where we'd be if you guys hadn't stopped them all those years ago. I sat down at the table again and rubbed my hand on my forehead. Hopefully someone out there knows what's happening.

New Year's Day

It's been a few days since that Groudon attack, and thankfully there were somehow 0 casualties. So most people have moved on and are preparing to watch the crystal ball drop in Castellia City to signal the start of a new year. Brendan, my Dad (Professor Birch), my Mom, and Brendan's parents were all gathered together to watch it in our living room. Brendan smiled, "So glad we get to celebrate this time, since no one was hurt." My Dad nodded, "Yes. It's such a shame. Pokemon so generally are peaceful, but all it takes is a powerful one getting moody to make us fear them." I relaxed, "That's all past now, you guys have any goals for the new year?" Brendan excitedly answered, "Championship! We deserved it last year, we'll get it this year." I giggled while our parents also laughed, I conceded, "I want to get at least a 3.0 GPA this semester... But yeah a championship would be pretty cool." Norman smiled, "I want to make the Petalburg Gym one of the best. I'm gonna try to get creative with it." My mom smiled, "I think I'd like to relax more this year." Brendan's Mom chuckled,"I think I'm the opposite, I need to work harder this year." My Dad looked at me, "I'd like to go out and do more field research with you May. Doing what I love with my daughter is the best feeling in the world." We watched as the ball dropped, "10...9...8...7...6...5...4..."

Calem POV

"3...2...1...Happy New Year!" Serena and I said in unison before sharing a kiss. We separated and I stared at her for a little bit, "I'm so grateful for you, my wife!" She smiled back, "This really is the best. And we have one more day here too!" I scratched my head, "Yeah- yeah we do. I wonder what we could do." Serena perked up, "Oh! We should definitely go to that restaurant we went to 4 days ago. It was my favorite!" I nodded, "Mine too. I suppose we could go watch the pokemon contests they have here or something, Dawn tells me it's quite a good time since she competes in them. Serena laid down in our bed, "Hm. I'm down to leave it all up to the you and I's of tomorrow. I'm.. *yawn* ... Very tired." I chuckled, "Ok. Let's call it a night then." We tucked in together and drifted off to sleep not long after.

Victor POV

Been quite the break down here in Galar! Today is the last day before we go back, so Kira and I are out in Wyndon for the day. I saved up a little money from my Woloo herding duties so I could treat her and hopefully make her less sad when I leave. Oh yeah, and if you thought I wasn't taking Marnie with me you're very wrong. We strolled past the Rose of the Rondelades hotel and made it to the main street across the bridge. I looked at Kira, "Hey Kira, where do you want to go?" She looked up at me pleadingly, "Can we get some ice cream?" I nodded, "Yes we can!" She jumped up and down and stomped her feet with excitement, "You're the best Victor!" Marnie laughed happily, "Yeh excited Kira?" She nodded, "Yes Miss Marnie! What are you going to get?" I looked over to Marnie as I continued to walk, holding Kiras hand so she wouldn't get lost, "That's a good question, what are you going to get?" She smiled, which she has gotten much better at, to where it's hard to tell she ever struggled with it. "Eh... I'm a big fan of strawberry." Kira squealed excitedly, "Me too! What about you Victor?" I chuckled, "Vanilla." Marnie prodded me, "Yer so boring Victor." I chuckled, "Come on! Call me boring if you want but it's the best." Kira laughed high pitched, "Miss Marnie is right." I shook my head.

We got our ice cream and sat by the fountain while I heard a familiar voice near us, "Well, well, well. Fancy seeing you guys here!" I looked up and saw Gloria, Kira handed me her ice cream cone and ran over to hug Gloria, "Miss Glory!" Gloria picked her up and swung her around before putting her back down. I smiled, "Hey Gloria! What's happening?" Gloria sat down by Marnie, "Oh. I went to check on Hop. Wanted to make sure that Professor Sonia hadn't worked him to death." I raised my eyebrows, "Did she?" Gloria laughed, "Nah. He enjoys it too! He says they're going to the Crown Tundra soon to do some research." I chuckled, "Good for them." Gloria joined us for the rest of the day and we had a wonderful time before finally going our separate ways. Tomorrow it's back to business, that championship needs to come back to Pasio, and I'm going to see to it that it does.

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