Chapter 51- Truth and Reconciliation

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Calem POV

Back to practice. Can't lie, I'm pretty torn up over the loss yesterday. It was so winnable, but as usual Austin and his clique held us back... Huh.... I sat on the bleachers near the practice field. We're 2-2, I mean, at least we have as many wins already as we had all last season. I looked up as Austin entered, really early. I looked up at him, then looked down, but he continued to approach me, which wasn't like him, usually he likes to pretend I don't exist. I looked back at him, "Hey. What's up?" He stood in front of me, "Calem. I... I need to talk to you about something." I nodded, "Yeah sure. What's up?" He sighed, "It hurts my pride to an unbelievable level... To watch you continue to succeed where I've failed... But I was so torn about it yesterday, I missed the game because I was out drinking." I raised an eyebrow, that's some serious stuff. He looked at me seriously, "I had a talk with a girl there about how I've been treating you, And it just didn't sound right any way I put it. I've let my jealousy have a strangle hold on me too long. I'm asking you... Can I be your co captain?" I was absolutely shocked. I stumbled over words before finally coming up with them, "Oh.... Er... I mean. You... You mean to say you'd be willing to follow my game plans, but you want a hand in personalizing them?" He nodded, "Yes. If you're willing to accept a fresh start on our relationship." I smiled widely and extended my hand out to him. He shook it. This is unbelievable. I looked at him intently, "You won't regret this. We're going to the top. Together." He chuckled, "Never thought I'd see myself ally with you. I don't know if I'm doing the right thing." I turned back, "You are. Now if you excuse me I've got some game plans to write, if you wouldn't mind telling your loyalists that we're officially all good, I'd appreciate it." He nodded, "I will."

Dusty and Ricard walked in to my side of the field and I pointed to Dusty, "Hundred bucks says you can't guess what just happened." He groaned in thought, "Your... Meowstic is gonna be a Dad." I reeled back, "What!? No- what the h-... No. It's good news... The best news actually." Ricard guessed, "The Nimbasa Bolts forfeited." I shook my head, "Why would they forfeit 6 months before the... Nevermind." I raised my arms and held them up, "Austin has agreed to be my co-captain, we're all working together now!" Dusty and Ricard both popped off and hugged me as we all celebrated. What a day for us huh? Can't imagine if can get much better than this.

I gathered the team together today and they all actually grouped together. I stood shocked as Austin stood next to me, I motioned, "The floor is yours Austin." He nodded, "Ok guys, I just want to be honest here. I've been wrong. I thought young Calem here was out to get us and bring in a new generation, but he's made it explicitly clear to me that he wants us here, and that he wants us to succeed. So, we're all putting our pettiness aside, and we're gonna start winning. With Calem's game plans and my experience, we're gonna climb the ranks in no time." The team nodded and Austin sighed, "You guys know how bad this hurts, but I've decided this is the best course if we all want to stay in this league." One of the girls usually on his side walked out at that moment. I raised an eyebrow, I mean, alright? He sighed, "Yeah. Gonna be a tough adjustment, but I fully believe Calem..." He sighed, "Calem is the captain of our future. He will lead us to greatness if we let him." I nodded, "If you guys are willing to work with me, I promise we'll get to the top one day." A couple of them nodded in agreement.

I stood in front of them and clasped my hands together, "Alright then, if you guys are cool with that, I'd like to get to know you all better. If I know your personalities, strengths, and weaknesses, I can help build a game plan that helps each one of you succeed." I shook hands with a few of them as they came up to me. I had some really good conversations with them, and learned a lot about them. Even though we didn't do much in game practice today, this is a great start. One of this teams best traits is loyalty. They've proven it to Austin and Skyla, and now I might finally get to reap the benefits of it.

I ran out of practice with a new pep in my step, and ran to Skyla's gym. The greeter was there, "Welcome challenger-" I ran by him and screeched to a halt in Skyla's office. She looked up from some paper work at me, she raised an eyebrow, "You good?" I yelled back, "Better than good! Austin and the rest are on my side now! The team is united under me!" Skyla stood up, "You're not joking!?" I nodded, "I'm not!" She sat back down and looked up, "Awesome. Now let's see what you can do with a full team." I pointed to her, "It might take a while, but I promise this team will be something." I said as I backed out of the gym and began to jog home happily.

I got home and swung the door open. Serena was in the kitchen baking something, she said it's a real hobby of hers. She turned back, "Hey Calem, welcome back, I was experimenting with some brownie-" I cut her off and kissed her, I'm having a hard time containing my excitement and gratefulness right now. She was very surprised by it, but accepted it nonetheless. She giggled after we separated, "Good day?" I nodded, "Yeah. Good day." She smiled, "Good! I was hoping so. I got some good news as well, I'll be performing again in a few days. What's your good news?" I smiled, "The team, out of nowhere, has decided to let me lead, and follow my lead on things. Austin randomly approached me and we're all working together now. It's so crazy!" Serena hugged me, "I'm so happy for you! I think you'll do such a great job... I have to wonder what changed his heart on that." I scratched my head, "I do too, I may never know, but I'm glad it happened anyway."

That night I spent a really long time drafting up game plans. So long in fact that it was 3 AM, and my furious scribbling woke up the exhausted Serena sleeping next to me. She groaned, "Would ya give it a rest Cal? It's been... More than 6 hours... Please get some rest." I chuckled and kissed her on the cheek, "Sorry. I'll go to bed now." She smiled and then turned away to fall back asleep. So much to look forward to.

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