Chapter 23- A Slippery Slope

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Brendan POV

Game day! And not just any game day, it's rivalry day. In my mind, Pasio has 3 rivalries, Mauville because we hate them, Alola Regional because they hate us, and Lumiose is more of a friendly, really close type rivalry. Today is Alola Regional day, they hate us for embarrassing them on their home turf last year. They chiefly hate Elio because he told them we were gonna do it. This game also means a lot to Elio for personal reasons. Also means a lot to me because Elio and I fought over it, as well as bonded over it. I think a big enough win here, and in the conference playoffs later this year could put this rivalry to bed.

I walked over to May's apartment to go to the field with her today, which reminds me of another advantage we have today, we have the home field. May opened the door, Dawn came out as well as Selene, all dressed in their Pasio uniforms, while Lillie came out with face paint and a Pasio tshirt. May smiled, "Oh this is so cool! I had to watch this rivalry from the stands last year, but now it might be in my hands!" I nodded, "Yeah. I think we'll keep rolling, just don't get too worried and we should win." I saw Elio approaching us. He waved and stood by us, "Hey everyone. Ready for today?" They all nodded, Lillie looked at him, "Rich is gonna be in your face again... Are you ready for that?" Elio shrugged, "Yeah. I don't care what he thinks anymore." We all nodded and headed out to the field.

We all sat down in the locker room as the fans filed in. Elio circled around, "Ok! You guys know this is the most meaningful match on the schedule for a few reasons. That being said, we have to bring our best today. So I want everyone to show their absolute best today yeah?" Everyone nodded happily, there's an anxiety in the air, everyone just wants to get to it already. Elio looked over his clipboard that had his notes and announced, "Alright, starters today, Me, Brendan, and Dawn are gonna bring the heat right off the top, then all you guys need to do is finish it off, and the 3 I need for that are Rosa, Hilda, and Paulo... Can you guys do that for me?" I nodded, look, even though we've had disagreements with Paulo, he's really good. And I think Elio wants to show Paulo that one disagreement doesn't define their relationship. Something tells me Paulo doesn't care, but I admire Elio's persistence in that way. Anyway, we got our call, and it's go time! Let's get it done!

Commentators POV

"Both teams have taken the field for this reigniting of a rivalry! I can barely wait to see who will take this third chapter of the rivalry. Will it be the Calem-less Pasio, or will Alola Regional prove what everyone thinks they are capable of? I will say, Pasio is the odds on favorite, and that's because they are 15-0. Alola Regional isn't shabby either though, they're holding a solid 11-4 through the first half, and a win today would set the tond for a great second half." My partner nodded, "For sure. And we have begun! Pasio's best 3 have come out first to try to put the game at a big advantage to start with, and so far we've got just that! Dawn finds one! 1-0 Pasio!" I nodded and then spoke for the next part, "And this has been really tight. It could go either way... Alola Regional will trade Dawn out! It's 1-1! In comes Paulo for Pasio to try to put them out further ahead. Rumors have been circulating that there has been some disagreement between Paulo and their captain Elio, but I suppose we'll see on the field. So far I can buy it. Paulo is not listening to Elio at all, and Alola Regional is smart, they don't single out the ones not listening, they press the man advantage on the two that are. And looks like there will be a trade! Brendan goes out with one of Alola's. It's now 2-2! Hilda is on the field for Pasio, it begs the question as to who is left for them, but Rich is going to be completely fresh. This isn't good for Pasio. Paulo grabs one! It's 3-2 Pasio! Rich is out now, and it's a mad fight, Elio and Hilda are taking heavy fire! Paulo is left by himself and Rich is ignoring him. Elio trades himself out!! Pasio's star lineup is gone! Rich and Alola have a chance in this 3 on two against Paulo Hilda and Rosa. Hilda goes down! She didn't have much opportunity to do anything because of the separated play." My partner and I looked at each other as Alola Regional inched closer to the upset, the home crowd stunned. "... And here we go again! Paulo goes down! The Alolan duo teamed up to take him down! And it's 5-4 for Alola with just Rosa to go! Rosa grabs one immediately! Here we go! Rich vs Rosa to decide the game! Rosa stalks carefully, she's playing this so well but will Serperior have enough in the tank...


Elio POV

I groaned and turned myself around as the disappointed crowd deflated and began to file out. Rich laughed and pointed at me, "Guess who's back!? You got lucky once! You'll never beat me again! Go suck up to your little girlfriends about it, I'll always own you!" I looked at him and chuckled, "Alright. See you in a few months buddy." I turned away and walked in to the locker room. I have a lot to say about this one, and I'm a little crushed about the undefeated season being gone, but hey, what can ya do? I stopped in locker room and waited for everyone to take a seat. I felt really crestfallen, Rosa started crying.

I knelt down by her, "Hey, don't blame yourself for a thing. You were great today. Every team has an off day, and we had one today, we'll iron it out and get back to it. This one's on me, don't take it hard." Rosa looked at me, tears still sparkling in her eyes, she nodded and mumbled, "Sorry..." I shook my head, "Don't be." I walked up and addressed the whole team, "Hey. I know. This sucks. As you can imagine we're gonna be pestered by the media all day about it, but it's done. Put that behind you, we'll get past it and get better ok?" Paulo stood up, "That's it!? Some leader you are! Don't tell them to change a thing, and even applaud them for a losing performance." I nodded, "Yep. You were a part of it too Paulo. You were separated all game. Everyone bears some of the blame." Paulo shook his head, "I was only separated because I was so far ahead of you. I was following the gameplan, you were just too slow!" I shrugged, "Maybe I was. I'll be better. We'll talk about this more at practice. All of you, take the rest of the day off, this doesn't define you as people. Enjoy the rest of your day, and take solace in the fact that we still have at least 14 more to go. We ain't done." The team nodded and silently dispersed, except for Brendan who approached me.

Brendan began, "...sorry... I know how much this means to you." I shook my head, "Huh? Means no more to me than anyone else on this team." Brendan and I sat down, he sighed, "I know. It bothers me that Rich thinks he can control you again." I chuckled, "I live in his head rent free. Can't say I ever think about him more than any of the other players in this league." Brendan smiled, "That's a good attitude to have. You've really grown a lot." I looked down, "Heh. I'm nowhere near perfect still. Today was just a reminder of that." Brendan shook his head, "you did fine. Paulo wouldn't fall in, that's why we lost." I shook my head, "Blame never falls on one person, though that was annoying." Brendan looked at me, "Elio. You have to do something about him. Bench him... Put him in his place... Something. He can't keep challenging you in front of the team like this." I tilted my head, "Why, do you think the team doesnt want me as captain anymore?" He shook his head vehemently, "No! You've done the best job filling Calem's shoes anyone could ask for. I just hate that he thinks he can do that to you- to us." I nodded, "Yeah. After today I'll probably bench him for a while, I'll sorely miss his individual talent, but I think the back line should be Ethan, and his choice of backup for the day. I've been neglecting Ethan's talents too much. I'll have to talk to him about it." Brendan nodded, "Ok. I hear the media getting restless. Want to face the music?" I nodded begrudgingly, then stood up and went to the press room.

I was met by the flash of many cameras and by a lot of voices trying to talk over each other to ask me or Brendan a question. I stopped and sat down, I sighed, honestly my main concern right now is getting out of here... Also I'm worried about Rosa, it's not like her to get down on herself like that. I looked up and pointed to a reporter, "Alright settle down everyone, yes, we're human. So what do you have to ask?" The reporter looked at me, "We spoke with Paulo moments ago, he believes that he was in the right today, and you guys were too slow and not powerful enough to follow him today, how does that make you feel, and is this a problem for team chemistry?" I shrugged, "He can rationalize it however he wants to. To tell you the truth, it does affect me a little. I wrestle with a lot of things in my head, and this one has... It's been a lot. Either way, I still love what I do. Hopefully this is just a stumbling block." The reporter nodded then turned to Brendan, "Any comment?" Brendan nodded, "Yeah. I think Elio and I will talk it over and deal with all this internally, you'll see the results." I put my hands on the table, "Alright you next." The reporter began, "Rich was quoted as saying-" I chuckled and interrupted, "Oh I'm sure he was quoted. Let's ask what he has to say after playoffs and we can circle back to that question ok?" The reporter nodded and I pointed, "Last question, sorry, I'm kinda in a rush." The last reporter nodded and asked Brendan, "Brendan, what do you think will make the difference if you guys play again in the playoffs?" Brendan pointed, "Good question. I think I have a few ideas in my head for next time, so I'll make sure to show those off." We both nodded and then exited the press room.

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