Chapter 87- All on the Field

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Calem POV

Round two of the Champion's Tournament up next! We'll be up against the red hot Jubilife Celestials. They've been on a huge win streak, and won yesterday to meet us in the Semifinals. They'll have more time to prepare for us than Lumiose did, so we have to be careful. I've been watching some film on them, and they are masters at breaking traps. It could be a nightmare matchup for us if we let it. So I've been hard at work on a new strategy for us. We can't trap them, we'll have to take the fight to them, but they are much more powerful than us. This will be a tough one.

I woke up the next day and walked downstairs. Serena's still not feeling the best, but thankfully it's just routine aches and pains. I made sure to say goodbye to her before I left and gave her a quick kiss on the forehead before going to the airport. I looked at Skyla as I got there, "Round two! I hope we have a similar result today." Skyla smiled back, "Me too! That was incredible. You guys are awesome. I never dreamed I could have a team go this far." I shook myself off, "Alright, today's gonna be a tough one. We can do it though. Let's go!"

We arrived in the Hoenn Region for the Semifinals of the Champion's Tournament. We're in Slateport City as it's a huge port and a ton of people there like to watch battling. We're gonna be the second match today, but there's enough locker rooms in this huge stadium to where we can just go straight there, so that's exactly what we'll do, and I'll go over the game plan.

Everyone gathered in the locker room and I brought out a whiteboard, "Alright? Today, we can't go back to our usual trapping like we did yesterday. We have to fight them hard in the center, and I have a couple ways we can do that." I drew some X's and O's to represent the players and drew how we would be able to make them move and then capitalize on the space we get. The team understood and we took the field soon after. The crowd was thunderous, and I am so pumped and ready to go! Let's punch our ticket to the finals!

Commentators POV

Wyndon Kings - 6
Cerulean Mermaids - 5

Mistralton Aviators - 0
Jubilife Celestials - 0

"Welcome back everyone to this absolutely electric venue! We've got one more match of insane action for you today between the always surprising Mistralton Aviators, and the Jubilife Celestials. This should be quite the match up. A lot of people have been looking forward to this one." The other commentator agreed, "Yes it should. Looks like the Captains have shared a handshake, and we are about ready to go! Let's see what they have in store for us today!"

"This match is off to a flaming hot start! Mistralton and Jubilife both not giving an inch in the center of the battlefield! But Jubilife is taking over! It's 1-0 for them. Jubilife will find another! What a start for the Celestials! Calem is going to have to reign his team in and fast. He has made some adjustments in the huddle, let's see if they pay off. Mistralton now stalking carefully and picking targets with precision! They'll even it up with a two piece from Ricard! Wow! That is absolutely incredible stuff from Mistralton! Unfortunately for them though, Austin will fall and that will make it a 3-2 lead for Jubilife."

Calem POV

Just as I expected, this has been a tough test for us. They are ready for any game plan we have, we're just gonna have to be better. I looked at Ricard and Dusty, "Let's bring this back! Come on guys, it's not done yet!" We took center again and the Celestials were moving really well to avoid us. I tried to make an adjustment for us, but Jubilife caught Ricard, and made it 4-2 for them. I hung my head, what am I doing wrong? I looked back up, can't give up yet. Meowstic and I made some slick moves to pick off the weakest one and bring it back to 4-3. Their captain is out, that's good for us. Dusty and I fought really hard against Jubilife's best, and eventually Dusty had to trade himself out to make it 5-4 for Jubilife. I was left in a 1 on 2 with the season on the line. I've done it before, I can do it again. I stalked carefully and evaded their rush as best I could, Meowstic took a couple shots in the process, he might not have much left in the tank... Boom! We got one! It's 5-5! I'm gonna need a miracle to pull this off though, Jubilife's Captain's Lucario is as fresh as ever.

The miracle didn't come. Meowstic fell rather quickly and....that was it. We lost. 6-5. The crowd cheered very loudly as the Celestials celebrated on their sideline. I hung my head and walked back to the locker room. I failed today.

The locker room was silent. Everyone here was just hanging their heads in disappointment. We were so close... We had eliminated what many saw as the best team in the world, only to lose in the next round because of a bad matchup. Man... Ricard patted me on the back, "We fought our hearts out Calem. We can go back proud." I shook my head and stood up, "Everyone... I'm sorry. I failed us today. We had one heck of a season, and I promised you all that we would... But I still let you down in the end. I'm sorry." The team looked up and Austin sighed, "Don't blame yourself kid. You did fine. You and Ricard alone had 4 of our points. Today was on me. I never thought I'd admit it to you. But I am." I looked at him, "If you guys are willing to come back next season and fight with me again, I'd love to have you all." Austin chuckled sadly and looked up at me, "There's no one else I'd rather call my captain." I smiled back, "Then the road back begins now. Keep your heads up high everyone. We're not losing next year. We've got a title to defend, and a new one to win, so stay on your toes and let's make it happen!" The team stood up and cheered and then we all left.

Champion's Tournament Results

Wyndon Kings - 6
Cerulean Mermaids - 5

Mistralton Aviators - 5
Jubilife Celestials - 6


Wyndon Kings - 5
Jubilife Celestials - 6


Jubilife Celestials

I guess in the grand scheme of things, this was a pretty incredible season. Nobody thought we'd make the playoffs, win the Unova Conference, make the Champions Tournament, win a game there... Heck most people thought we would win about 3 or 4 games in total. We broke every expectation, and we do have a pretty sick Unova League Championship trophy to show for it. I got back to the plane and Skyla saw us and immediately began with Austin and gave us each a short hug. She then smiled at us, "You guys are the best. Don't let anyone tell you different. All of you are welcome back to the Aviators for the rest of your careers. Thank you all. Now, you all deserve a long rest. Let's go home." We all nodded and boarded the plane.

We landed back in Unova and everyone left the plane. It was just Skyla and me left. She stood up next to me as we stood on the airstrip. She looked at me, "What a season! How about that?" I shrugged, "Yeah. It was something. I really wish we could've made it further." Skyla smiled, "We all do Calem, but you stretched the limit of this team way further than anyone even imagined it could possibly go. Even me. And you know the expectations I've had for you." I smiled slightly, "Thanks. One day. I promise. We'll get you that trophy." Skyla chuckled, "And I believe it. Now go home, rest with the Missus, and get recharged ok?" I nodded, "Will do."

I got home and Serena was there at the door to greet me. She hugged me tight, "I'm so proud of you Calem." I just stood there and hugged her tight, "Thank you Serena... Now, how's the baby today?" She smiled happily, "I felt it kicking today! It's getting more and more real every day..." I shared a kiss with her and smiled, "That's wonderful. I'm going to get some sleep..." Serena giggled, "Not without me you're not." We held hands and went upstairs to get some much needed rest.

What a season it was...

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