1: Drinking

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"Fucking. Ackerman. Corporation." Your Dad grunted with a paper balled up in his fist. You turned your face from the painting on his wall to face him. He had one hand clutching on his hair as he huffed out a blow. This was a familiar sight.

"Beat ya again?" You asked, walking over to him.

He gave you a rageful look and freed the hair locked in between his fingers. "Beat us, Alexis."

You nodded and dropped yourself onto the chair in front of his desk. "Right." You leaned over and tried to take the report paper from his hands, and tapped twice on his thumb because he was still holding onto it. "Hm..." You hummed as your eyes scanned the charts. There wasn't much difference, but your father always wanted to top them. Make them scream in shock. Make them wish they never tried messing with you.

A buzz. Your Dad sighed and clicked on the button. "Yeah?"

"Mr Campbell. There's a visitor for Miss Alexis Campbell." You got up, taking the file your Dad had with you. You raised your eyebrows as a way of asking for permission, to which he nodded, facepalming himself. You walked out of the room holding the bundle of papers all crammed inside this big black casing.

"You didn't have to be so formal, calling me Miss Campbell and all." You mumbled, momentarily flicking your eyes up to see the blonde girl you were talking to.

"It's not you I wanna be formal with," Hitch replied, putting her hand on her blonde waves of hair and playing with them. "Who's not scared of your father?"

"Me." You answered, a slight smile approaching your face in her direction. "So next time, try to call me 'slut' and 'whore' like you usually do."

"Yeah, you won't be seeing me do that anytime soon." She crooked her eyebrows together and shook her head.


"What a pleasure seeing you here." You sarcastically muttered, sitting opposite the raven-haired asshole.

"Oh, don't be so pleased." He said, setting his tea-cup on the table between you both. He nudged the ear of the cup slightly to make it parallel to him as he continued. "The only decent thing about this hugeass building is the tea it serves."

"I'll decide to dodge that bitter-ass compliment and ask you why you're here instead." He turned his gaze from the cup to you, the strands of his hair not moving an inch. "Why did you bring your nasty presence here, Levi?"

"We're hosting a party." He answered in a dull manner, deep grey eyes boring into yours. "You should come."

"Should we?" You asked, raising a brow slightly. "I didn't know we were that important to you."

"You're not." He immediately responded. "We just want you to see that you lost. Again."

"Well, then, we wouldn't miss it for the world." Your lips twitched upwards as your eyes remained bored. You stood up, eyes not leaving his as you started walking away. "Goodbye. I won't see you out."

Just then, you felt something cold grip your wrist. Your face turned to your left to see Levi's hand reaching for you as his face faced forward. Your eyes shifted from him to the hand holding you, and you watched it leave your arm. You'd expect your hand to drop to the side because of the absence of the grip, but it stayed at that place. "The invitation, Alex." He said, shifting your attention to the little card he was holding out.

"Huh," You said, grabbing it while looking at Levi, who was now looking back at you. You turned the card to the other side, observing how it looked. "That's ugly."

Levi stood up from his seat, pulling on the ends of his waistcoat to straighten it as he let out a blow. "Hope I don't see you again." He said and grabbed his jacket, walking out of the door, out of your sight.

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