4: Carnivals

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"Oi, Alex! Don't run, you'll fall." Levi raised his voice. You looked back at the slow boy and stuck your tongue out before running off again. "Ugh."

He began running after you. "Ehe, don't- even- " You panted in between laughs as he lunged at you.

Dodging his attempt at catching you with a shriek, you escaped and started acting cocky. "You can never catch me, you're slower than a turtle! You can never catch me, you're slower than a turtle," you began singing.

There were a couple dozen rides in the amusement park, and your Mother suggested you try whatever you wanted out, but here were you and Levi, chasing each other like that was the most fun activity in the most famous carnival of the year.

Kenny was supposed to keep an eye on you both and keep you under his guard, but he was sitting on a bench and smoking while watching you and Levi run around like animals.

Levi continued chasing you as you made circles around the merry-go-round. And when you stopped and stuck your tongue out, he chuckled to himself and ran at his full speed, catching you in his arms. His hands travelled to the pockets of your shorts as he picked the candy out.

"You shouldn't steal people's candy, Alex," he said and let go of you.

You scoffed and pouted. "But you don't even like candy!"

"No, but my Mom does," he said and looked at you. Your pout disappeared.

"Oh. You should've said that before, no?"

He sighed and put the candy in his pocket before sticking his arm out in front of you, his face looking elsewhere. When you questionably looked at him, he opened his fisted hand, revealing one piece of candy sitting on his palm. "Take it already." He nudged.

And he could swear he saw sparks in your eyes.

Did you think your date would bail on you without notice? No. Did you think you would see Levi in the restaurant? Also no. Did you think he would sit with you and have dinner? Absolutely not. Did you think Hange would show up out of nowhere? Nah, not really (though she was always super unpredictable). And did you think she'd grab you and Levi, lock you both in her arms and drag you to the carnival you so badly wanted to attend? A big, fat no.

She was still between the two of you. The fact that Hange was also best friends with Levi didn't affect you that much as you'd think. You decided to accept their friendship. Hange has nothing to do with your company shitshow anyway.

But this? This was unacceptable.

"Hange- Hange, let me go," you hissed at her.

"Give me my fucking watch and leave me alone before I break your limbs and shove them down your throat." Levi was also threatening her from the other side.

Hange's grin was rather wide for receiving curse words from both sides of her ears. She paused in her footsteps. "Listen, Alex. I don't know where your date is, but he's not here, clearly. So, I have every right to force you into having fun with me instead."

Your face twisted in confusion. "No, you don-"

"And Levi." She turned her head to her left. Her smile was honestly scary. "You will come with me if you want that watch."

And if you thought her smile was scary, Levi's expression could make you shit your pants. "Breaking your limbs, it is." His muscles flexed underneath the thin fabric of his white shirt as he clenched his arm and tried getting away. But he was stopped when a huge clown appeared in front of you.

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