15: The Club

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When you agreed to go out with Hitch and Hange to the club on a Wednesday night, you were unaware of meeting with the presence of a stranger at the couch. "Hi." You grinned and sat down.

"Alex! I missed you!!" Hange's legs bounced onto the floor as she spread her arms to engulf you into a side hug. You hugged her back and turned your attention to the woman you didn't know. She did look a little familiar, though. "Oh, that's Maria! Erwin's fiancée." Hange smirked.

"Ohh!" You mused in realisation as you extended a hand to her, which she shook with a generous amount of excitement. "That's why you looked familiar. I saw you at the ball."

"Oh? I don't remember seeing you, though. I'm Maria Waller. It's a pleasure to meet you." You two took your hands away.

"It should be." You playfully commented. "I'm Alex Campbell. It's great to meet you, too."

"Maria texted me." Erwin said to Levi, coming out of the room with a new suit. "Said she was at the club and we could join them if we wanted. Do you think this is better than the Italian notch one?" He eyed his groom's clothing.

"No." Levi was sitting with his legs and arms crossed, fingers scrolling through his phone. "The navy blue suits you better. Who is she with?"

Erwin nodded and turned to face the mirror. "Hange and others? I think Hitch and Alex as well. So, I'll narrow it down to the navy blue, deep grey, and black, and finalise it with Maria." Erwin turned back around to see Levi's fingers paused over his screen. "Levi?"

He looked up. "Huh?"

"Navy, grey, and black?"

Levi blinked like he was lost, and eventually answered, "Huh, yeah." Erwin scoffed at him, knowing fully well that he stopped listening after hearing your name.

He looked back in the mirror while unbinding his tie. "You used to like Alex, didn't you?"

Levi sighed. "What are you on?"

He looked at him through the mirror. "Since you were 6? 7? Till college graduation?" Levi facepalmed himself in exhaustion. "Do you really hate her or do you just pretend you do?"

"Why would I pretend I despise an idiotic, unstandable piece of shit, Erwin?"

Erwin turned back around, handing the tie and the blazer to a worker. "Okay, one- You slept with that idiotic, unstandable piece of shit. And two-" He walked over to Levi while uncuffing his shirt. "You feel obliged to hate her because of all the company rivalry. Same thing with her, maybe." He shrugged.

"No." Levi stood up, adjusting his shirt. "She isn't obliged to hate me. She genuinely does." He stared at the ground as he spoke. "And I genuinely hate her too." He eventually added, patting Erwin on the shoulder before walking out of the room.

"Know what? You should come to the wedding!" Maria said while putting the barbecued beef in her mouth.

You laughed. "You're drunk. You'll probably forget that you invited me when you wake up tomorrow."

Hitch put her glass down. "Hey, invite me too! I could make a litass entertainer. Just give me a mic and I'll get it rolling." She slurred.

Hange pointed her index at Hitch, scowling. "Oi oi, too bad because I already occupied the entertainer spot."

"Psst. Alex." You heard Maria whisper. Hange and Hitch tipped their heads in at the sudden gossiping. "Guy at 11 o'clock. Real hot, checking you out."

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