24: Reception

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"Y-yes," You squirmed on the kitchen counter, your legs being held by his hands so you wouldn't squeeze his face with them. Fingers tangled in his hair, you watched him stare at you as he tongued you one last time, giving you everything you needed to cum hard, pulsing against his mouth. 

Levi looked up at you, satisfied with how you looked so out of place because of him. He loved pleasing you so much until you turned helpless beside him. He loved that he could do that to you. That he could make you feel that good.

"Fuck, Levi."  You panted as he stood up to bring you tissues because your legs were trembling. 

And understandably trembling. The two of you probably got 3 hours of sleep before waking up in the middle of the night, and somehow tiny shoulder kisses escalated to him taking you from the side behind you on the bed. 

After you two dozed off again, you woke up in the morning, not feeling Levi beside you. After a quick bathroom visit (wherein you got to gasp at the hickeys painted across your neck and chest), you walked out to the kitchen to see him going through your kitchen shelves. He asked you if you slept well and you responded with a nod and a kiss. That led to this-- him hoisting you up on the kitchen counter and saying that he wanted you for breakfast.

Needless to say, he ate well. 

"Already?" Your face fell when he told you he had to go.

He nodded, saying, "Trust me, I wanna stay. But I've got a bunch of shit lined up for today and as annoying as it is, can't help it." This was addictive-- him palming and massaging your legs as you placed them across his lap on the couch. You wished it could be like this all day. 

"Alright," you mumbled, taking your feet away so you can come back up to kiss him on the cheek. "I'll wait for that second date."

Levi's chest expanded as he inhaled, and he gave you a quick peck which you turned into a heavy kiss. After a while of going back and forth, he finally stood up, breaking away from your lips. "I really need to go, angel."

You sighed. "Alright." 


"I think it's time you take dating more seriously," your father gruffly suggested, bringing his bottle to his mouth. 

You looked up at him, eyes bitter at his tone. "I do take dating seriously."

He laughed. "Oh, right. The last I heard of you going out with someone was when that asexual rumour rose up. Which took a lot of effort to cover, by the way."

Sighing, you pressed your hands into the sides of your head. "I honestly couldn't care less about that shit. Why does it matter if I'm asexual or not? And who even cares about us?"

"Alex," He sternly called your name, returning your bitter look. "It's... not just about that. You're reaching thirty and your brother is getting married as well, and I know that it will take time even after you meet someone to-"

"I am dating someone," You cut him off, crossing your arms. "Actually."

He blinked at you, brows furrowing a little. "Oh. Do I know this someone?" 

You didn't say anything. You were sure that your father would never approve of you dating Levi. You didn't worry much about it, though. You obviously had a bigger say in who you dated. Regardless, Harold certainly wouldn't support the news. "Maybe. You won't get to meet him anytime soon, though." 

"And why is that?"


"Because she's a grown woman and she can decide herself when she brings her boyfriends home," Nova turned a page, eyes glued to the newspaper as she spoke. "You keep pressing her about these matters, and she'll end up abhorring family Sundays." 

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