12: Going Down (NSFW)

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CW: Sexual Content: (Lots of k*ssing, Oral sex (fem. receiving), Fingering (fem. receiving), Classic Sexual Intercourse (fem. dominant/switch?), Praise kink activation (just a little))


You liked Levi's tiny moans and whimpers a little too much. More than you liked his grunts.

Something about the softness and weakness in his voice as he softly groaned in your mouth and against your skin made you want to climb onto him on his bed and ride him till your legs fell off.

Your bra was probably thrown off somewhere in the living room along with the other pieces of your clothing before he carried you to the nearest room. Naked.

You only had your panty on while he had his pants.

And as many times as you'd pictured this happening, you always saw him throwing you off on the bed before climbing on top of you. But Levi didn't do that. Instead, he sat on the edge of the bed with your legs still straddling his waist.

He let you take it out. He let you kiss him and grind against him as his hands only ran across your skin. You pushed your hands against his chest and made his back drop on the bed.

The way your fingers slowly traced his chest and over his nipples, and then moving to his abs as you kissed his toned muscles made him flutter his eyes close and gulp down.

His lips parted when you licked him up from his lower abs.

His fingers ran through your hair as he held your neck and pulled you back up to his lips. You were starting to think kissing was his favourite activity during sex.

Turning you onto your back, he pulled away just to look you in the eyes with his lust-filled ones.

He said nothing. He only trailed a line of wet kisses down your body while stripping off your underwear, till he had to get off the bed onto the floor to his knees. Your legs were hanging off the bed, but your crotch was still a few inches away, so he pulled you to the edge of the bed by your hips. He placed your legs on his shoulders before he gave one kiss right on your clit while his fingers spread your folds.

"You were aching for me, weren't you?"

You had to bite your bottom lip to keep yourself from making obscene sounds.

His hands snaked around your thighs to hold your hips in place, and he began working on your cunt.

This. This feeling of him lapping at your folds and teasing your entrance with the warmth of his tongue. You hated him, sure, but this was so heavenly that you didn't know what you had done to deserve this.

You'd expected him to observe you with his deep gaze, but when you slightly raised your neck to look below, Levi had his eyes closed as his tongue dragged itself up and down your core. It was almost as if he was also gaining pleasure from eating you out.

That. Was attractive.

He kept trying to pull you closer to his face, like you'd fly away if he didn't. He dragged his tongue up again, and lightly sucked on your clit. Your back arched. "Le- fuck."

He hummed against your entrance. You naturally moved toward him, shifting your hips despite his soft grip on you.

His tongue entered you, mapping your walls as his nose grazed against your clit. Was this not suffocating him?

You let one of your hands lose its grip on the sheets and travel to his hair. Your hands interlocked themselves in his soft hair, trying to push his head deeper.

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