9: Confused?

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I'm fucked.

I'm so fucked.

Since you were stupid enough to turn your head to him, confirming your presence in this lovey-dovey cafe, you now saw three options:

Be honest and tell him that you don't feel a connection with him.

Be honest and tell him you left to get railed by Levi.

Run and hope you never see him again.

Okay, the first one seemed the most ideal. 

He didn't take another step towards you. "Are you, um, done with the– whatever?" He tried to force a smile.

Awe, man. How were you supposed to dump him now?

Lie. A part of you said. Lie that you came here for a quick coffee.

"Oh, yeah. I was just..." No. You honestly didn't feel it with him. It wouldn't be fair of you to lead him on. "Listen, Michael," You took a step closer to him. From the corner of your eyes you could see Eren's eyes widen and his hand went to cover his gaping mouth. Michael flicked his eyes between yours. "You're... a great guy, and I really-" He released a pent-up breath through his nose. "-like... you, why are you laughing?" Your face wrinkled.

"I just..." He licked his lips and looked in your eyes. "I knew this was gonna happen."

You felt bad for him. Maybe he really did like you still. You wanted to go out with him out of curiosity but him? Maybe he was more excited at the thought of seeing you.

"It's okay." He slowly nodded. "I understand."

"I'm sorry." Your shoulders slouched down.

He tried to smile bigger. "You're a phenomenal woman, Alex. You shouldn't have to be sorry for something as silly as this." You tried to reciprocate his smile but you just couldn't. Why was he still sweet? It only made you feel worse.

His eyes dropped to your lips for just one second before his hand went behind to scratch his neck. You stretched your arms and embraced him in a hug. He deserved it. He was stiff for a second but then he wrapped his arms around your waist and hugged you back. He was a good hugger.

When you opened your eyes slightly, Zeke and Mikasa were softly smiling while Eren had a ridiculous pout on his face. You let out a suppressed laugh and pulled away from the hug with your arms still around his neck.

His hands remained on your waist too, but this time, his eyes lingered on your lips. He looked you in the eyes for just a moment, as if asking you for consent, and when you only blinked at him, he leaned in and softly pressed his mouth on yours.

You were taken by surprise. Your eyes were still open but your lips naturally moved and he kissed you for just another second, pulling away before you could close your eyes.

Neither of you said anything for a while. "I'll see you around?" He reluctantly let out.

"Yeah." You nodded. He left you and took a step towards the counter. You turned your head to look at the trio, and their jaws were practically about to break and fall to the floor. Sighing at their stupid reactions, you shook your head with a smile. Alright, time to get out of this cafe. You should go back home.

Your feet stopped mid-step.

The chatter of random people and the jazz playing so mellowly faded in your ears, because the person a few feet away from you probably just saw you kissing Michael. Well, technically, Michael kissing you.

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